Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Monday, March 20, 2006

Home sweet home.. (SG update)

Have been here in sg for almost a week now, & all I have done so far is basking in the warmth of a place I have stayed in for almost 5 years, as well as reflecting on my values that are so different from the rest of the people in my extended family.

Grandma was evidently happy when she saw me on tues' nite, & I definitely felt the same way too.I wouldn't go into too many details, but I doubt I'd have survived my secondary school days if itwasn't for her. I used to loath her constant nagging back then, even though I knew she always did it because she cared. True to her nature, she did that again on the 2nd day, this time to my cousinwho failed to tidy up his own room in the morning! I couldn't resist a chuckle when memories from the past flashed past, & I finally helped my cousin to clean up because I was partly responsible for the mess! Cousin kept on complaining, like I did 5 years ago, about how grandma couldn't stop 'chanting' at him, but I believe he'll come to appreciate what grandma has done for him too in the future, when he is alone in a far, far away foreign land.

Spent quite some time with grandma, catching up with the latest news happening in the family. One particular piece of news left me quite dissapointed. I have a young cousin whom I remembered to be very innocent and maybe the last person in our family who isn't sadled with the money politics going around (in the family). He has a very rich dad (my uncle) whom I think leads a pretty sad life because he doesn't have any real friends, despite all his wealth. Problem is, he doesn't feel that he needs any friends at all and he refrains from making new ones or getting closer to anyone because he always has this suspicion that all of them are out to take the money away from him.

I have always wanted to protect my young cousin from the negative influence of our family, but there is really little I can do since he doesn't live close to us. Grandma happily told me that he has shown more interest in taking over his dad's business (& he's only ten!) and has told her that he wouldn't share the wealth with his older brother. She has obviously taken a light-hearted view on that, but in my view he's already turned into a $$$-obssessed person, just like the rest of us. I believe this has been through the influence of his dad, & I really worry that he will grow to be like his dad, someone who will never experience the joy of having bosom friends. That, I believe, is worth more to me than challenging Bill Gates for his wealth.

On a more positive note, there has been a new addition to the family: @ just 1 year old, my youngest cousin, affectionately called 'xiao mei' (little sis) because she doesn't have a name yet. I'm so looking forward to go back and meet her in 2 days' time. Grandma talks of her all the time and cautioned that she has a fiery temper. I'm not really worried about that coz I've always been really good around babies. I've a natural talent to calm babies down without even needing to do anything. Time for a career change to become a babysitter??

I'll still be in sg for 2 days before I go back to Indo for a week, & I have to come back again to sg again on the weekends coz my grandparents are going back to indo and they want me to babysit my not-so-young cousin (he's 16!) for 3 days. I kinda want to stay in indo for a while longer coz I haven't met my other badminton-partner-cousin for a while and he wants me to stay there. Will have to do that after I come back from my Penang trip.

Have also been eating non-stop these days. Grandma kept on buying lotsa food and offered them to me, & sometimes she looks kinda dissapointed when I don't eat 'em. haha. So I have to force it down my throat (just kiddin'!) but man they taste really gd! In addition, I regularly scourge for cheap food everywhere and buy them without even thinkin' (coz it's so freakin' CHEAP!). To top it all, my bro came yesterday and we went to the food fair @ Suntec and ate so much there I could barely move! He was still looking for more when he came back and I just stared at him in disbelief. Man i really need some regular exercise to keep my belly from poppin' up again!

aaahhh, memories of the good old days...


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