Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Monday, February 13, 2006

21st reflection (Part I)

Turning 21 hasn't initially turned out to be as much fun for me as for other people I know. I was suddenly hit with the awareness that I'm no longer a kid and I have to take responsibility for a lot of actions (read: pay for my own uni fees and earn my own allowance). A lot of thoughts jolted into my mind at midnight and suddenly i didnt even feel like celebrating my own adulthood anymore.

I wanted to get out in the morning and just have a quiet day to contemplate about my own future, while at the same time also make some very important decisions in my life. Socializing was the last thing on my mind yesterday and I felt like going to a quiet place and sit there for the whole day, sipping free Boost Juice (they give free drinks on birthdays! Tip: get one each from different stores!) & spending time clearing my thoughts.

Was on my way to St Kilda when someone messaged me and asked why I’m not turning up for my own birthday dinner. Suddenly I felt guilty because JW has spent time organizing it for me and I was being a jerk by just disappearing on the day itself. Decided to postpone my thinking time to another day and turn up for the event at (supposedly) a Korean restaurant.

Walked with Derr for 45 mins round the parliament house, discussing the reasons why we are still here in Melbourne and not in the vicinity of our respective families. Came up with no conclusive answer, but there was one important factor that influenced our decisions greatly (will be revealed later). We then walked to the Korean restaurant to meet the waiting friends, and at that time Derr’s poor acting skill has revealed that the dinner wasn’t at that restaurant at all! He walked into Hard Rock Café saying that he wanted to buy something there, but he couldn’t escape my scrutinizing eyes after we’ve been housemates for so long! So there it was, the location of the surprise dinner, Hard Rock Café!

Spent a great night there, with live band performing and us chatting throughout the dinner. Food was delicious, and we had a hot waitress serving us too! Cake was so good I wanted a 2nd piece (thanks to Am!!), but we decided to give it to the blonde waitress instead, not only because she was attractive, but also to thank her for the great service.

Followed up the night @ Cindee’s playing taboo, & as usual it was a lot of fun, especially with a few new faces joining us for the night. The highlight of the night was when Am managed to score 8 pts in the last round to beat us by 1 pt when the Hexagays were so confident we’d whoop the girls’ arse that round!!! (dang!!) Man, that was the worst defeat ever, and it had to come on my 21st! But credit to Am, that was an exceptional effort and the highest score in our group by a large margin!

I’m really3x grateful for the people who came for the dinner despite their busy schedule. There’s Jen Ho, our DJ-cum-Travel agent- cum- translator- cum- media student-cum-etc etc, someone I haven’t seen since we surprised her on her 21st a few weeks ago. Then there’s IX and Soon, my buddies from Albert house and Trinity, two funny guys whom I’ve spent so much time with during my 1st year in Melbourne.

Next, the amigos I would like to call the ‘summer buddies’ or ‘the Flare gang’. Within it there are more sub-sections. I’ll call the 1st one ‘The Cupid’, with its members:

1) Kel, who has proven he’s younger than anyone at heart (though he’s been called ‘uncle’ by his own cousin). He’s been a great friend and is always so much fun to be with. Definitely a buddy to keep for life!

2) Am a.k.a the confidant & the counsellor, the last person I knew from the group & yet strangely also the person I find most attuned to despite the lack of time we spent together. Reasons put forward include: From Am --> we are equally spastic (maybe true though I’m still a bit insulted when the statement comes from her..), From me --> She’s spastic & I’m a sympathizer = lots of incomprehensible word exchange, making the atmosphere more comfy faster :) Ok jokes aside, she has a great personality that makes people warm up to her real fast (by swearing a lot?), very understanding, generous and helpful, and sometimes (I stress ONLY SOMETIMES!!) display very mature thoughts (all the other times she’d be fighting w/ someone over food etc etc or going ‘eh, eh’ when she wants something passed to her :). Thanks Am for all the things you have done for me (including buying the yummy cake!) and I can’t wait to get to know you more in the future!


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