Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Different frequencies?

It's another day of learning for me: that I know very different stuff from the people of my age. I've sort of known in the past that I have very different interest from other people (such as reading business magazines, history and wars, etc etc) but today it has hit me harder than usual.

We were playing a game called Taboo, in which we have to describe to our partner a word without using the forbidden words written on the card. For example, if the word to be described is Mars, the forbidden words would be Planet, Chocolate, Solar system, etc etc, so it's up to the the one describing it to come up with creative ways for the other person to guess. Everyone else seems to be understanding each other well... until it comes to my turn. I'd normally have no problems when someone describes to me a famous person or war in the history (e.g. Napoleon Bonaparte, Boris Yeltsin, etc) and countries with funny names (Bosnia-hertzogovania), but when it comes to the simple stuff like guessing the word 'fix' and 'kylie minogue' (Derrick was humming her song to me but I just couldn't remember her name!!!), I always stumbled and lost the game. Derrick made a comment that when playing the game with me it's actually easier for me if we get all the difficult words because I seemed to get them much faster than the easier ones!

Man, drinking all that water when I lost (forfeit) doesnt exactly help in the next round. Gulped more than 2 litres down (again!) tonight and it just made my mind go blank. I'd have understood if anyone have wanted to kill me tonight because I kept on making them lose with me, but luckily they were all quite patient with me, especially Am. I've only met her a week ago but she really warmed up to me very quickly and we could talk about anything under the sun now. Somehow I feel whenever she's around our chatters becomes more lively and we always have so much fun together, laughing at each other's lame jokes, while also sharing things that are currently happening to all of us.

I'm really glad that I've been introduced to this great bunch of friends. Without them, summer would have been like another period like any other in the past 3 years, boring days with nothing to look forward to. This is easily the best summer in my whole life so far, & I wish I will never walk out of it...


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