Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Monday, March 20, 2006

21st reflection (Part II)

Next, I present the only ‘sporty sibling’ (lame, but you’ll see later the triple connotation (all thanks to Da Vinci Code) I had in mind :) in the summer gang:

1) Leonard a.k.a. the Kid. First impression of him was that he’s a pai kia (gangster) or at least a wannabe. In our second meeting, he totally shattered the image I had of him when we were playing Risk! I wouldn’t go too much into details but he’s definitely NOT the person his looks suggest. Did I forget to mention that he is also full of Cr** (with a cap. C)? =) Apart from that though, he’s definitely a fun person to be around with and I’ve definitely enjoyed his company, whether it’s the sports sessions (Bball, Badminton, tennis, etc), the Games nights (Risk, Daidee, etc) or the outings (Oz Open, St Kilda, etc). Thanks for all the memories Kiddo, and I’m sure there will be many more outings to come in the future!

2) Cindy a.k.a. the Queen of Lame Jokes (Red Alert!). Also lays claim to the only female member of the original summer gang. Hanging out with her was always so much fun because she’s always been game with whatever the boys suggested and she doesn’t go ‘Eeks!’, like what many girls do. From playing sports, fishing, cookin’ to our little traveling around Melbourne, she’s now the 1st girl (though she prefers to be called young woman now =) that comes to my mind. That period spent with her must have been easily the longest continuous walk I’ve ever done in my whole lazy life, but I’m sure that doesn’t even rank in her top 10 list judging by her extensive travel experience.

So far I’ve said the good things about her and she may have appeared to be the ‘Perfect girl-next-door’, until she starts cracking up her infamous lame jokes =)! I could still remember the 1st time she did that & I didn’t know how to respond because I still didn’t know her that well and I couldn’t bear to tell her that wasn’t funny! Over the time though, she improved and created a few original classics, eg. the one when Leonard commented (in mandarin) on a guy walking with too much ‘air’, & the next line from her was (in Mandarin) ‘No probs, just poke him with a needle and he’ll *Pssssshhhh* fly away!’. To this day, I still remember the exact words she used (& still laugh over & over again!).

Jokes aside *ahem* (don’t worry Cin-d, we still love you coz we understand it comes in a package..), she’s also a very good listener and always ready to help her friends. She was the 1st person that made the effort to integrate me into the group (or at least I thought so..) and knew me as a person rather than as ‘Derr’s housemate’. Thanks so much for that Cindy, and because of what you did I have found that there is ‘hope’ for me to find what I want. I really look forward to getting to know you much more this year because I’m confident you are of the ‘rare material’ to make great friendship with.


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