Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Friday, March 03, 2006

I love you MOM...

I woke up with tears in my eyes at 6.30 this morning. This is the 1st time this has ever happened to me in my entire life.

I had a dream. It was about the final moments of my mom’s life. I saw myself, my sister and some people in the background that I could not and did not really bother to identify. It was like watching a movie, with the camera constantly zooming in on my expression. Tears were streaming down my face like waterfall and I was shouting my mom’s name every single moment. She wasn’t actually suffering or anything in the dream, always smiling back at me and consoling us so that we wouldn’t be grieving too much over her impending journey. I didn’t see the ending of the whole thing, as I was awakened by my own incontrollable sobbing.

I have no idea why this particular dream occurred at this time of my life. Joon, Derr, Kel, Jel & I were having some discussion about our own death and everyone came up with ideas on how they would die in the future. Jel said she would be killed by cancer, but judging by her dessert consumption, we suggested it was more likely to be diabetes. Kel thought he would be knocked down by a bus, & Joon reckoned he’ll be taken down by some funny diseases. Derr & I did not really want to entertain the thoughts of dying during dinner time.

I believe that God has always looked after me and given me signs when He wants me to change if I didn’t do something His way. I could give examples of so many things in the past that happened because of the Divine Intervention, but I would leave this till next time. The fact that the dream occurred was definitely a reminder for me to cherish my own family even more than what I’m doing now, because I’m not giving them enough credit for my own development right now, especially for my mom. I realize that, after this episode, she’s the single most important woman in my life & I couldn’t thank her enough for what she has done. Yet in these few weeks, I have squabbled more with her because of some difference in opinion, some over my insistence on staying here (she wanted me to go back to Singapore..). I don’t really want to change that decision, but I could have comprehended her feeling better by taking a mother’s point of view, which I failed to do and led to the mini-row.

There are some more things that I want to write about, but I’ve decided to keep this post dedicated solely to my great, selfless mom. I really haven’t said this enough, and I intend to tell her this the next time I call her....



  • At 8:20 PM, Blogger Lil Mis A said…

    i certainly hope it is not a dream of the 4th Dimension where you travels through time n maybe see a glimpse of the of future.

    i had a dream similar to this about my grandfather's death which at the time of the dream i can't understand. when it did happen like de ja vu, it really hit my quite hard. sigh!

    just giving you a mental note dude.


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