Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Study Time!!!!

With exams coming next week, I have no idea why I was still playing baddie as often as before. Add on the fact that I had virtually not slept for the past 48 hrs, that's an even crazier action! The consolation was I managed to play well today, which probably doesn't compensate for the fact that I'm lagging behind in 12 lectures of International Finance!!! Well, once decisions are made + it's already in the past now, I guess it's time to move on....

I'm actually quite looking forward to hit the books right now, not because I like it but it actually provides me with a break from baddie at the moment. I know it sounds crazy, but it's actually true.. During the semester, baddie sessions are good times to relax from all the hectic schedule in skul (from assignments). Currently, with all the selection thingy going on, I feel that I actually need a break from baddie, & studying becomes a relaxation outlet (well, until I start encountering difficult questions & then the situation will be reversed again..).

Hmm.. that's all i'm gonna say. Next week will be the selection & before that I have 1 full week to study for 2 subjects in my 1st week of exam. Hopefully I will at least be good at 1 of the 2 things going on right now, or if luck permits, both of 'em :) Until then, Ja ne!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Strange... Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Scientifically proven personality measurement... edmund should read this!

The Vain Person - One who loves the smell of his own farts
The Amiable Person - One who loves the smell of other people's farts
The Proud Person - One who thinks his farts are exceptionally fine
The Shy Person - One who releases silent farts and then blushes
The Imprudent Person - One who boldly farts out loud and then laughs
The Scientific Person - One who farts regularly but is truly concerned about pollution
The Unfortunate Person – One who tries awfully hard to fart but shits instead
The Nervous Person – One who stops in the middle of a fart.
The Honest Person – One who admits he farted and offers a good medical reason
The Dishonest Person – One who farts and then blames the dog
The Foolish Person – One who suppresses a fart for hours and hours
The Thrifty Person – One who always has several food farts in reserve
The Anti-Social Person – One who excuses himself and farts in complete privacy
The Strategic Person – One who conceals his farts with loud laughter
The Sadistic Person – One who farts in bed and fluffs the covers over his head
The Intellectual Person – One who can determine from the smell of his neighbor's fart precisely from the latest food items consumed
The Athletic Person – One who farts at the slightest coercion
The Miserable Person – One who would truly love to, but can't fart at all
The Sensitive Person – One who farts and then starts crying
The Sneaky Person - One who quietly farts and then quickly walks away

Can't study!!!

I know 2x... I've promised to start hittin' books this week but it seems like it's not working at all.. Tried to stay at uni. to revise econometrics (for those ppl w/ no idea, it's almost equivalent to all the maths used in rocket science! Well, at least for me :( ) and managed to stay awake till 6 before my eyes started failing me again.. Not today though. I'm determined to get a good run, at least till 7.30 when I'm leaving for baddie! There's no way i'm gonna fail today!!!

All right. Gotta go bathe & get to uni. soon...

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Strike Bowling Posted by Hello


life is a funny experience. Some people just do not realise how lucky they are. We could be much worse off than our current state and yet we complain that there are so many people who are better off (financially & emotionally) w/o realising that there are also people with much worse conditions than us.

recently I had this experience again. Some of my friends were complaining discreetly that they could have done something in a much better place but had to settle for something much less. When i overheard the discussion, I had so much pity for the other friend who offered to 'sacrifice' his time to organise the event even though it would be perfectly logical if he didn't as it was not his responsibility at all. I wished I had spoken up for him that day in front of all my other friends. Not only that they did not thank him enough for his effort, they were absolutely showing total disrespect to him. I spoke to him afterwards & he said that he didn't mind, although he was visibly upset over that.

Well, who wouldnt be upset if your friends don't appreciate you for who you are and also what you do for them? It would be equivalent to setting off to the World War to get shot at & not even receving a medal for that. Why can't people just realise that when a friend organizes an event and invites them to come, it was just because s/he cares about them and just want to spend time with them all? Which is actually more important, the event itself or the quality of the companionship that we can get when we get together with old friends and relive memories of the past? I leave you guys to come up with the answer yourself...

For me, I'm thankful for all the things that my friends have done for me, even though it might just be little things. Having said that, I'm sure that I have been a b*****rd in the past by doing something like the situation described above and I really want to apologize to those friends I have under-appreciated in the past.....

Bottom line is, be thankful for your life, be it the friends you have made, the family you have, & also all the other little things in your daily routine.. & stop bitchin' 'bout who you call 'friends'...

Well, that's about it for now. Just had to get those thoughts out of my head. Will post another 1 soon...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

in so much pain!!

Stupid me.. went to play baddie again 2day when i'm supposed to rest. Wouldnt be so bad if it was just normal games, but w/ Ben around, he's always gonna turn it into psycho. baddie again... So another round of the crap began, with slightly different participants.. terence replaced by bing, otherwise all the sunday members were present... Top scorer: Zel + Bing with close to 500 push-ups combined, & adding the other 3 ppl there we collectively did close to 1000 push-ups in a single night! never thought that could happen, but it did!

Already couldnt walk properly and had to hold on to handrails whenever I climb or go down stairs.. would be interesting to see how much worse can it get tomorrow! (Someone help! i'm really turning into a sado-masochist here!!!). Will post another 1 tomorrow if i could still type..

Came up with a funny idea when we were playing just now... what happens if I do this during exam and try to apply for special consideration? would it get approved?? hmm.. it's just a passing thought though, not that i would be daring enough to try it. All right, time to end it here. gonna go do work on international finance. havent done reading & tute work for this week yet.. Ciao

Monday, May 16, 2005

rollercoaster feelings....

arms and thighs hurting for different but related reasons. Thigh: from the 5-7x frog jump across 4 baddie courts... Arms: plain stupid: did totally unneccessary push-ups on Sunday baddie games, though it did help me to play cleaner shots throughout the match!

physical pain apart, these few days have been pretty intense, emotionally, to me. On one side, getting to hang around with frens, both from baddie & other trinity + uni. frens, has been gd bcoz of the tiring hours the week before. Stuck in the uni. till 2 am in the morning finishing up on assignment & getting the worst headache ever before baddie the day after.. had to push myself so hard just to get my spinning head off the bed & the situation didnt become any better during training. Been pretty pissed off lately in training for various reasons, not sure whether it's over myself or somebody else though... i was starting to think why do I even go there in the 1st place, since all i was going to do was just muck around for 4 hrs doin' nothin' serious... It actually got so bad this Sat. my mind juz went blank (& they say an empty mind is a devil's workshop.. scary..) & I just sat at the side w/ towel over my head, trying to calm down.. somebody saw me lookin' unusual & asked if I was all right & not wanting to alert anyone, I said yes. Truth is, I almost felt like exploding at that moment, lots of questions just entered my mind at that time & I was asking myself why am I so useless.. Got down to play games to help me relax more, & it worked a little... At least it was better than breaking my fists punching walls if I kept on sitting there...

After training a few baddie frens came over & we played xbox for a while b4 heading off to Hero's b'dae party. I was starting to feel better at that time, but none of the ppl would have not noticed anything wrong w/ me just hours b4 coz no one actually saw me then. Anyway, it was definitely fun hanging out w/ all the baddie ppl again, considering our last gathering was weeks before. Pretty sure that was gonna be the last one for the next couple of weeks, considering D-day is so near now!
Gonna spend the next month trying to get H2As for all my subjects, even though it would be pretty tough, judging by how lousy my marks had been in mid-sems & assignments :( Still, I guess there's no other way than to get started ASAP, then at least I'll have the options of some maneouvres if there's any changes to plan. Which is why I have to stop writing this now.. before that, just have to list down things I have to do for this week:

1) speak to someone urgently
2) study econometrics
3) finish up on all the assignments left
4) study
5) study more
6) do not switch on laptop!!
note: just some suggestions; may not happen in reality (esp. for (6)!!!)

that's all folks!

Friday, May 13, 2005

The start....

Hmm.. My first post.. what can I say? A friend asked me why I'm not doing this blog thingy yet 2 months ago, and I was like "what block??". Since then, I've been exposed to quite a few of 'em (& learnt it's called a blog,not 'block' :)), even in BusinessWeek (what the ???). Anyway, glad to get it started, and probably I can look back next time to see how crazy my thoughts were when I was 20.. or probably it would still remain the same when i'm 60 later.. well, who knows? That's probably 1 of the point to do it.. & apart from that, this is the only place I can post honest stuff, w/o getting 'shot down'. Guess I'll be writing quite often then, if only those mailto:$#@&#$# assignments stop comin'!!!