Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Sunday, May 22, 2005


life is a funny experience. Some people just do not realise how lucky they are. We could be much worse off than our current state and yet we complain that there are so many people who are better off (financially & emotionally) w/o realising that there are also people with much worse conditions than us.

recently I had this experience again. Some of my friends were complaining discreetly that they could have done something in a much better place but had to settle for something much less. When i overheard the discussion, I had so much pity for the other friend who offered to 'sacrifice' his time to organise the event even though it would be perfectly logical if he didn't as it was not his responsibility at all. I wished I had spoken up for him that day in front of all my other friends. Not only that they did not thank him enough for his effort, they were absolutely showing total disrespect to him. I spoke to him afterwards & he said that he didn't mind, although he was visibly upset over that.

Well, who wouldnt be upset if your friends don't appreciate you for who you are and also what you do for them? It would be equivalent to setting off to the World War to get shot at & not even receving a medal for that. Why can't people just realise that when a friend organizes an event and invites them to come, it was just because s/he cares about them and just want to spend time with them all? Which is actually more important, the event itself or the quality of the companionship that we can get when we get together with old friends and relive memories of the past? I leave you guys to come up with the answer yourself...

For me, I'm thankful for all the things that my friends have done for me, even though it might just be little things. Having said that, I'm sure that I have been a b*****rd in the past by doing something like the situation described above and I really want to apologize to those friends I have under-appreciated in the past.....

Bottom line is, be thankful for your life, be it the friends you have made, the family you have, & also all the other little things in your daily routine.. & stop bitchin' 'bout who you call 'friends'...

Well, that's about it for now. Just had to get those thoughts out of my head. Will post another 1 soon...


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