Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Monday, May 16, 2005

rollercoaster feelings....

arms and thighs hurting for different but related reasons. Thigh: from the 5-7x frog jump across 4 baddie courts... Arms: plain stupid: did totally unneccessary push-ups on Sunday baddie games, though it did help me to play cleaner shots throughout the match!

physical pain apart, these few days have been pretty intense, emotionally, to me. On one side, getting to hang around with frens, both from baddie & other trinity + uni. frens, has been gd bcoz of the tiring hours the week before. Stuck in the uni. till 2 am in the morning finishing up on assignment & getting the worst headache ever before baddie the day after.. had to push myself so hard just to get my spinning head off the bed & the situation didnt become any better during training. Been pretty pissed off lately in training for various reasons, not sure whether it's over myself or somebody else though... i was starting to think why do I even go there in the 1st place, since all i was going to do was just muck around for 4 hrs doin' nothin' serious... It actually got so bad this Sat. my mind juz went blank (& they say an empty mind is a devil's workshop.. scary..) & I just sat at the side w/ towel over my head, trying to calm down.. somebody saw me lookin' unusual & asked if I was all right & not wanting to alert anyone, I said yes. Truth is, I almost felt like exploding at that moment, lots of questions just entered my mind at that time & I was asking myself why am I so useless.. Got down to play games to help me relax more, & it worked a little... At least it was better than breaking my fists punching walls if I kept on sitting there...

After training a few baddie frens came over & we played xbox for a while b4 heading off to Hero's b'dae party. I was starting to feel better at that time, but none of the ppl would have not noticed anything wrong w/ me just hours b4 coz no one actually saw me then. Anyway, it was definitely fun hanging out w/ all the baddie ppl again, considering our last gathering was weeks before. Pretty sure that was gonna be the last one for the next couple of weeks, considering D-day is so near now!
Gonna spend the next month trying to get H2As for all my subjects, even though it would be pretty tough, judging by how lousy my marks had been in mid-sems & assignments :( Still, I guess there's no other way than to get started ASAP, then at least I'll have the options of some maneouvres if there's any changes to plan. Which is why I have to stop writing this now.. before that, just have to list down things I have to do for this week:

1) speak to someone urgently
2) study econometrics
3) finish up on all the assignments left
4) study
5) study more
6) do not switch on laptop!!
note: just some suggestions; may not happen in reality (esp. for (6)!!!)

that's all folks!


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