Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Finance post

Been in the mood to write out my prediction for US economy and its currency as I've been watching the scene for more than 2 years now. This is my long overdue update:

If you're interested in finance stuff, head to the address above. It's a light read forecasting the trend of USD using the models learnt in both Finance and Econs class back in the Uni days, MINUS all the hoccus-poccus words they used haha. I've toned it down to the language that can be understood by non-finance students ala BusinessWeek style (which btw is my fav biz reference book!)

For those who're not interested in Finance, check out the latest BoA dance video below (currently Derr's & my fave dance video!)


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