Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

New York, New York!

After an arduous 22 hour flight from Singapore to NY (via Frankfurt), I finally arrived at NY! Immigration dude hasn't been exactly friendly, and I was called into office for bringing USD 10k cash. I reasoned that I had to pay for accomodation etc etc, and stuff at his country isn't exactly that cheap to begin with, so 10k is a perfectly reasonable amt to bring. I guess he finally saw the point, but didn't let me go before asking why 10k and not any other amt, to which I replied that's just a random sum I decided on when I went to the bank! How many questions on the 10k do they need to ask b4 they could let me go???

Anw, first step out of the airport, I was greeted by an illegal taxi touter that I absolutely had no idea of at first. While we were walking to his 'taxi', an airport security rushed after us and shouted at me to stop. I was thinking 'ok, what now?' and stopped for him to catch up. He showed his security pass and told me to avoid those scammers & to take the metered yellow taxis instead. Thank God for him or I wouldn't know where I'd have ended up now instead of being in my hotel room!

Place I'm staying at currently is at a smaller suburb 15 mins away from JFK, as I'm waiting for my cuz to come from Atlanta before we 'upgrade' to Holiday Inn @ Manhattan. Haven't explored the area yet as I'm dying from the lack of sleep (grand total of 1.5 hours in the 22 hr flight), so I figured I'd catch a wink b4 heading out to explore whichever place tonight.

Add to that I'm also suffering from pretty serious jet lag. I found it quite amusing we never got out of darkness during the flight until the last part of Frankfurt-NY leg, as I started from midnite at SG and went backwards in time. That's also the first time I went into the plane clean-shaven and emerged with stubs!

More updates to follow after I figure out the geographic details of this area!


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