Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Sunday, December 30, 2007

X'mas surprise!

Cuzs were back from USA, so we celebrated christmas this year in kind of a low key way with a steamboat buffet at Suntec on X'mas eve. We had an early day and were completely burnt out at dinner time, so the dinner itself was kind of quiet and certainly devoid of the x'masy mood that was floating around. Had planned to go to Clarke Quay for a drink after the dinner & wait for the countdown, but one of my cousins had to go back to Indonesia the next morning, so we went back home at 10 and sat around chatting in the living room. T was seated facing the door and he spotted something unusual. We went to look closer:

It was a REAL golden-coloured rabbit at our neighbour's doorstep! We couldn't believe our eyes! It was a total surprise as we've never seen something like this in the 1 decade (yes it has been that long!) that we've stayed in this apartment. We decided to take a closer look and it was made harder as it kept on running away whenever we were 2 steps away. It looked kind of hungry, so I went to the fridge and looked for carrot sticks and thrown it close to him, only to see it run up the stairs!

We went after it and saw it go into a metal enclosure outside one of the apartments upstairs. We threw more carrot pieces inside and this time it ate it! Think it was bcoz it didn't feel threatened by us anymore as it was quite a fair distance away from us this time.

After a while, we were looking around to see if its owner would come up to look for a missing pet, because there's simply no way it could be a wild rabbit out of nowhere in a private apartment. We thought it would be irresponsible to just leave it there, so we decided to 'adopt' it for a night and then look for its owner the next day.

Made a makeshift cage from cardboard in 10 minutes and we were ready to bring it back into our home! At exactly 11.45 pm, we finally managed to capture it, courtesy of more carrot and a broomstick to lead it closer to the gate, where my cousin's hand were lying in ambush waiting to strike!

Since we were gonna keep it for at least a night, we thought it would be good to come up with a name. After brainstorming for a little less than 2 minutes, it was almost like a 'Eureka!' moment when a few of us shouted out 'Santaro!' together! Can't believe how all of us came up with the same name at almost the same moment =) It's a name twist from a japanese anime about a rabbit called Sentaro that was quite popular at Indonesia, and since it was christmas eve, what better name to give other than this =) So there you are! The latest addition to our christmas eve night that made our night so much livelier!

Santaro in the makeshift cage

More pictures of Santaro at our doorstep before we began our chase:

Looking through the shoe rack

Caught in action (CIA) 1: Thieving around neighbour's potted plant for food

CIA 2: munching on the leaves (look at the barren pot beside! It housed a fully grown plant before Santaro came along and pulled it out to the last root!)

The next day though, Santaro was getting stressed up for getting cooped in the cage for too long, so much so that the 4 corners of the cardboard cage were filled with claw marks, although we left it with plenty of food and water inside. I did some research on the Net and found that rabbits always need plenty of moving space, & since we couldn't let it run about in the apartment, we reluctantly released it and immediately it became much more active again! We followed it for a while & it went around eating leaves in the potted plants again, until it was chased out by the management when some residents alerted them.

2 days later, T discovered another rabbit outside our door again at around the same time when we saw Santaro:

This time it's a fluffy white rabbit! It looked gorgeous but we told ourselves to resist the temptation of bringing it into our house this time to prevent it getting stressed out like Santaro. I couldn't help but to go out and pat it a few times & left it with some food. It had bruises on its back & I suspect its owner must have been a very careless person, or that it didn't want those rabbits as pets anymore & released it randomly in the block. It's a really irresponsible behaviour as these pets are defenceless since it has grown up in a protected environment, and they will be put to sleep, a permanent one that is, if they are handed over to the authorities.

Let's hope that Santaro and his friend will find a responsible owner. I will make that my X'mas wish this year, simply because I can't take them in as the apartment I'm staying at doesn't belong to me =(

A belated merry X'mas & Happy New Year everyone, and wishing all of you a blessed 2008!


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