Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Monday, July 17, 2006

At the threshold of exhaustion?

Haven't blogged for a while, & the 'official' reason that I gave to the people who asked was that I was really busy over this period. That was partly the truth, as I've been moving around quite a fair bit, entering & exiting SG & Indo before I even had the chance to warm my bed. Add the recent & impending visits of a few Melb friends, & my schedule has been fully booked out for the next month at least!

I'm not complaining about that though, coz it means that I'm either: 1) working on my pet projects OR 2) catching up with 'old' (yes, that's the 4 of u!) friends/family, 2 of the things I enjoy most in life. It's not much of a problem to resolve the time clash now, coz I always had it planned out at least 2 weeks in advance. (So peeps, if you're intending to visit me in sg next time, plz plz book me earlier!).

Work hasn't been as fun as I imagined it'd be. I had thought that by diversifying my portfolio of jobs, I'd get to learn the tricks of the trades of every industry faster, but what I didn't consider was the workload & the amount of attention I had to put in for each of these. Although I'm picking up stuffs quicker this way, I think I'll be suffering a burn-out sooner too. Leonhart the charcoal exporter is an entirely different job from Leonhart the financial planner, as is from leonhart the 'garbage collector' (& I think I'd be adding more to this list very soon =(, although some of the things I've picked up from the export business has been useful/applicable in the other 2 as well, such as the negotiation skill.

Even though none of the jobs I'm doing now requires my presence in the office 9-5, I'm starting to get exhausted, both mentally & physically. It's like being a Comm. student all over again. I only had to attend uni for max of 12 hrs a week, yet I was insomniac for better part of my uni life. Uni students would be able to testify on this statement as well, because even though we're not in the lecture hall (equivalent to the office in my working life) most of the time, our alertness is still switched on 24/7, & in my opinion this is much worse than just doing a 9-5 job in which you can just switch off after work hours. This is especially true when someone's main income is incentive-based, so the motivation to keep doing research will be there all the time.

Work aside (I think I should actually bar any posts on my work on this blog to keep it more interesting =)- , baddie & visits from friends were the 2 things that kept me sane for so long. It's been fun to play tourist in sg when Joy visited, & the semi-buffet lunch we had @ suntec was so yum! We had our plates full of prawns & mussels, & there was plenty of dessert too (we didn't even get to the ice cream bcoz we were already so full by then)! Oh yeah did I also mention that they had spinach soup for the starter, topped with nachos, and it was so, so thick & *slurp* that we went back for 2nd & 3rd helping! Top value for $$ at just $13.90/head!

Went shopping afterwards to burn some calories off our overworked stomachs, & Joy ended up with a Pentax Optio S6 @ just SGD 400 (with a free 256 MB media card as well), after 1/2 hr of intensive hokkien/singlish/mandarin haggling! I think that was a pretty good deal, given that it was retailing for SGD 599 at a bigger store we've seen @ Suntec just an hour before. Night time was spent walking along Clarke Quay and ended with a drink @ Delifrance, where we chatted for about an hr before she had to go back & jets off to dreamland coz her granny would be arriving @ 8 am in the next morning!
Aside from that, also managed to squeeze in 2 lunch appointments w/ Jel when she came back, in between trips to Batam to meet my visiting relative (more abt that later in the next post..) and meetings with potential clients. It was definitely good to catch up with a melb friend again, coz there's no such thing as a fri nite outing ala flare or daily fitness dai dee session at Cindee's, & so that was the 1st time I had a long chat with a friend. TCC had some pretty decent pasta, the best I've had in SG so far, but I'll have to disagree with your assessment of it being as good as Melb's, Jel! Coretto's salmone ravioli & Cafe qui's Pescatore mixed sauce *so, so creamy & yummy* would easily beat it hands & legs down!

All righty. Have to get back to work now (read: make calls & type emails..). More updates later when I'm back @ SG, using my new 3.5 Mbps/sec *swoosh* broadband connection! (& it costs only 45 sgd/mth!!)


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