Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Friday, July 31, 2009

'Don't let the floodgate open,
If you haven't meant for it to flow'


These few days I've been really unmotivated to post up anything. Instead I've been checking out random websites, hmm well not that random actually since it's actually recommended by These news dudes sure know how to have a good laugh or two amidst the flurry of news coverage around the world =p

so here you go:
1) GraphJam
2) Safety graphics
3)calorie heaven/hell

Particularly liked the GraphJam! It's hilarious!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, July 20, 2009

How to ace your course in SMU

LOL I was laughing non-stop for a good 5 minutes over this! If only I've seen this video earlier when I was in the college =p

Friday, July 17, 2009

I can be really contradictory sometimes...

Two days ago I was thinking, 'I don't want the mundane life/relationship of just discussing daily minor stuff, WITHOUT being able to connect on deeper philosophies'

Yet today, as I was walking back from my late night badminton session and witnessed the many couples that strolled past, I thought, 'wouldn't it be great to have someone always waiting at home when I'm back?'

While that idea was roaming in my mind for a good 15 mins (that's the time for my MRT ride back home), I wondered if those pairs that I saw earlier were all soulmates, or whether they were just people who pined for companionships, regardless of whether their partners are really the 'chosen one', ie. those who can understand and accept them for who they are.

I guess there's some overlap in the 2 schools of thought, but in a big city like SG sometimes one just gives up trying after looking for so long.

I hope I won't have to be in that position next time...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Life's such an irony...

Today I was forcefully reminded of the phrase 'you never treasure what you have till it's gone...'

I do acknowledge that I'm blessed in some other aspects, BUT sometimes I really wish to trade in ALL the things I have right now for just that 'something'.

That's something that I believe will give me a fresh lease of life, and even if I have to start all over again I would still say 'yes' within a heartbeat.

Alas, life is not a simple trading game, and although I know many people would probably trade that 'something' that they have for my own 'little package', there's no way it's gonna happen, even if both are willing parties...

Guess I'll just have to live with it & be content with what I have...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Feeling melancholic again. Quoting a much-used phrase by the ladies, 'it's that time of the month again'

Sitting alone in the ferry, I started wondering if I've made progress at all, if any, for the past 3 years that I've been back at Singapore...

Progress is an easy word to say, but difficult to define.

Signing off....

Sunday, July 05, 2009

July update

The past 1 week has been the worst in my recent memory. Certainly haven't had that much stress since I came back from Melb, so that's a good 3 years down memory lane.

So basically 3 important events occured simultaneously, & none had the result that I wished for. Well I'm still really awaiting the outcome of two, but I doubt they'll turn out good. I wasn't that close to a breakdown yet, coz there're still stuff that I can do to salvage the situation over the next 2-3 weeks. & If it turns out that it can't be done after all, there's always the alternative plan to break out of the deadlock. Hence I'm not that much worried, as opposed to being frustrated because the things I've been working on always failed me in the end.

Tomorrow's another new day, and I know it'll be a better one than today, because the worst is over!