Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

There hasn't been a lot to update lately. These past 2 weeks has been really mundane, save for the visit of my lil' niece to sg for her immunization jab 3 days ago. She's getting cuter & cuter by the day! Babies are definitely more responsive to sights of the people they like when they are at least 3 months old! Now whenever we try to play with her, she'll flash her 1000-watt smile that just melts everyone's heart =)

That's one of the main reasons that makes me reluctant to relocate permanently overseas; I won't get to watch my lil' nephews and nieces grow up in the future. Yet there's my ambition calling elsewhere, and right now there's a chance to break through the stalemate I'm currently in. It's still on the sketch pad, but we expect to conclude it within 1 month. If it goes through, it will mean I'll be leaving everything behind: family, business, the familiar surroundings, etc. It'll be a fresh start all over again, and as much as I was thinking of relocating back to melbourne previously, it has become harder & harder now to do so with so many relationships I've to forsake in order to achieve that.

Comes down to the question of whether I want to live a peaceful life within my loved family circle, or to live up to my potential and test my mettle in the business field. I really relish the challenge & just thinking about the boundless opportunities already makes me filled with energy.

Expect next 2 weeks to be really draining on my mental power as I have to make my decision before discussing 'the' plan in further details...


  • At 3:58 PM, Blogger dee said…

    I hope you get to choose what your heart desires hendry!


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