Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Thursday, February 05, 2009

CNY update!

I'm back from Indo finally! Apologies for the unreplied emails & abandoned blog, as internet connection at Batam isn't exactly available widely, and bro didn't install it at home. Had to stick to short biz emails as time was pretty limited because we had to visit relatives each day.

What was supposed to be a short 4 day trip became a full 2 weeks trip instead, and each day was filled with more or less the same activities: eating, eating... and more eating! That was really the first time I got sick of food, when normally I'd gobble up anything remotely nice on offer. I've never thought I'd get sick of seafood, but this time we had it for 4 days in a row! That's the craziness of having a large extended family I guess: Mom has got 3 sisters and 3 brothers on her side (7 altogether), and Dad has got 5 brothers and 6 sisters (12 all up!). So whenever there are any festivities, these uncles and aunts would take turn in treating us to feasts everyday, & those that are at Batam numbers around 10, so theoretically we'd have almost 2 weeks of foodie treats!

Did I mention my mom made some mean CNY cookies too? Her pineapple tarts are heavenly, and I swear I could finish it off by myself! There're also butter cookies, peanut butter cookies, & grounded peanut powder wrapped in spring roll (my 2nd fav after pineapple tarts!). I'd have put up some photos of it here, but they are now resting in peace in either my bro's or my stomach haha. I must have put up more than a pound of weight just by eating these stuff!

This year's CNY turned out to be pretty fun, & I received plenty of Hong Baos too. Sad to think that I will have to relinquish this God-given right and have the obligation to start 'spreading the wealth' in a few years time haha! For now though, I will put the money received to good use: there's an Ipod dock-cum-stereo set that I've been eyeing for a while, so I guess it's finally time for me to get that =)

How's everyone else's CNY????


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