Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Blogging - Cure for Insomnia?

Went to the family GP recently to get some medication. I realised I haven't been there for almost a year now (that's definitely a gd thing!), & the doctor almost didn't recognize me although I visited him almost every month in my last 2 years during sec sch days. Yeah I gotta confess I was quite a lazy student then, so everytime I couldn't wake up at 5.30 am to get to sch (as many SG school kids could testify), I've gotta make a trip to the doc and get a medical cert (aka MC).

Well this time the purpose of the visit was similar to the past, although the root of the problem is different. While it was more of lack of sleeping time during those days (would be sleeping like a log and before you even realized it, it was already 5.30 am!) , right now it lies with the fact that I can't get to sleep at all, aka insomnia. Have had this problem since the Uni days & seen a GP at Melb, who prescribed a really strong sleeping pill that left me with drowsiness for the next couple of days. I didn't really take it that often though and only used it during exam periods.

It has been a huge problem ever since I came back to SG, possibly because I'm under a lot more stress right now than during school days, due to a variety of reasons. My brain just kept replaying whatever I've read & seen and set its own motion on analysing those situations just before bedtime, and I must say it is really irritating. Usually when I get to sleep, it would be at around 3-4 am when I'm really physically exhausted, or my brain is tired from arguing with itself on the endless topics.

Family GP prescribed some light sleeping pills for me, and initially it worked fine for a couple of days. Within a week, my body has developed resistance to the pills and it's no longer working. Went back to the doc to ask for the same pill that the Oz GP gave to me, but he refused to prescribe it as he deemed it too much for a 23 year old to be taking such a high dosage. He gave me a stronger acting medication this time, and so far it has been working out fine. Took it for a day and until now I haven't had the need for a 2nd one.

These few days I've been researching on methods to cure insomnia, and tried a few of them. They didn't really have any effect on me, & I believe it's because of the different environment that we're in. Since mine occurs because the (crazily) independent brain of mine is obsessed with thinking through stuff when I'm supposed to be sleeping, I thought I'd give it a platform to air its view and see if it would be satisfied and let me have a good peaceful sleep each night after that.

This may sound like the silliest thing you've ever heard of, but I haven't got any other ideas at the moment, so I've gotta try it out while researching further into other methods. Have lined up many topics to review, & will be posting it up over the next few days. So for those who are keen on an argument with the restless (read: uncontrollable) nerve lump inside my head or are just looking for something to read during a boring day, drop by often & most likely you'll see something new everyday!


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