Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Anxiety is at its peak now... Waiting for that single phone call from my best friend/business partner that could potentially change my life forever... Hopefully it comes through tomorrow morning, and I'll be flying off to Penang, KL, and Jakarta within the next 2 weeks to close what will become the most important deal of my life so far....

As one of my partners puts it (he's 50+), 'hendry, I think after this is completed, you would be able to retire in Australia comfortably before you turn 24, get a posh apartment where you can sip wine by the balcony, take the weekends off to the countryside (for more wine?), and just enjoy life!'

Ok I added the last part myself (after the posh apartment part *wink*), but I really wish this would become reality before I turn 24. This would be the greatest birthday gift ever! The gift of freedom and putting my pet projects to action! I can't even imagine how surreal it'll be for me when I really achieve this dream in the near future....

Now on to the works. Will be putting 100% commitment to this project for the next 2 weeks when I'm on the road, so the next few blog posts will be written from the hotel rooms in whichever city I'm in. If it really works out in the end, it will not be because of luck, but of the hard work we (my partners and I) have put in over the last few months. I'm not even contemplating the chance of it not working out at the moment as we have worked our guts out to make it happen, so it will be full focus from now on till the end as we couldn't let all our effort be foiled by 2 weeks of indecisiveness...

Watch this space!!


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