Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Monday, February 26, 2007

CNY has been somewhat boring this year. Stayed at hotel room & enclosure most of the time, which is what I do when I go back to Batam =( , & it hasn't been any different this time (tho it's CNY..). It wasn't that boring actually, but waking up without a list of to-dos really bothers me. Ate plenty of crabs/seafood stuff, caught up with my relatives, & the most fun of all, getting to play around with my youngest cousin, who's still yet to turn 2 years old (will post up a pic of her soon =)

Watching her growing up so fast (she could barely stand last year & now she's prancing ard everywhere!), I realised I'm really missing out a lot on the family's activities back home by staying at sg. She's learning how to speak now as well, & u could see her putting so much effort (& face muscle contortion) just to pronounce gu-gu (aunt in chinesE) correctly haha. & the way she pronounces the words are just so hilarious. She's always been choosy on who she allows to carry her, & at the start of the week she wouldn't even let me walk her ard. The night before I came back, she actually wanted me to carry her, & the significance of it was that she was with her mom at that time, & usually she'll turn to no one else, xcept for her dad, in that situation. Maybe it was me over-analyzing, but I was really touched that she's accepted me into her 'inner circle', & tears started welling up in my eyes on the way back to the hotel, knowing that I probably won't get to see her anytime soon in the future when I get my job @ sg...

Happy CNY everyone!


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