Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

'my life is formless, a tiny piece of chaos'

To think that this line that I recited long, long time ago during Trinity drama class will aptly describe the situation I'm in right now...

Just one of those days again when I feel little motivation to do stuff, though I have so much time on hand... Spent the past few days fretting over the impending 'thunderstorm', & yes, it did happen eventually *sigh* That's why I really hate being back here @ home, coZ the frailties of the relationships are just exposed & tested to the max... Gloomy thru' out the last few days after the thunderstorm, & it wasn't the best way to spend new year really...

On the brighter side, we went to Esplanade to catch the firework display! It was awesome, though the journey there took more than a few hours bcoz of a confusion over where the display was. Walked back from Suntec to City Hall & then turned back towards Esplanade after seeing the crowd walking there haha. Well I guess it was pretty worth it, coz the atmosphere & the firework was really great there! Total of 3 mins, & I heard the gov blew a cool $2 mil+ on that! Will try putting up a vid later =)

Hope every1 had a fantastic new year hols, & wishing every1 gd luck on evrything u do this year!!!!!!!


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