Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mind is in a state of confusion now. On one hand, I'm thinking of how I can become a successful entrepreneur, but on the other I'm also considering how much social life I'll miss out on. Why can't I have both in moderation??

I've set myself up mentally for 4 years of hermit office life, or at least I thought so. Maybe once I get into it I won't have the time to think anymore, coz investment bank hrs in sg is 8 am - 10 pm EVERYDAY, 5 days/week + occasional OTs on sats too. That is, IF I do get it, & that's a BIG if. It's ironic how I'm yearning for the job now but I turned it down when it was served to me, on a plate, close to a year ago *sigh*.

The manager is out for annual hols & won't be back till next jan, so I'll have plenty of time to think over my decision, which is what I fret the most now. More thinking time means I'll have more time to consult people, & I'm just afraid I won't have the resolution to see it through. Firm up ur mind hendry!! 'Be a man, do the right thing!' But what's right? Spending my youth pursuing my dream, or just live it off happily & not worry about anything?

Maybe it's time to just take an overseas trip again, & let fate decide what it has in store for me..........


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