Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Adrenalin rush!

It's 6.45 am, & here I am, eyes wide awake, full of anticipation of the long day ahead...

For this might be the day I get much, much closer to my 'aim'... & I can't get to sleep given that there is such a huge opportunity presented, on a plate, right in front of me! I keep on saying to myself, 'isn't there anything else I can do to make this work faster??'

Bad, bad thoughts for an insomniac, but once this is done, I guess I will be able to sleep easy from now on... Or will I? I think I'm on an alert mode 24hrs a day now because my livelihood depends on it... Well, not so much of a livelihood actually. It's just the prospect of clinching something I've set out to achieve since I was 15 much earlier than predicted, that keeps me wondering, ' is there much more to come in the future, since I'll be more than halfway through my aim once this is settled?'

Thank God again for putting me in the right place, at the right time =) I always seem to be blessed by His Grace, & I won't dissappoint Him... I'll do whatever I can to make use of the chances in front of me!

P.S: Thanks to the peeps who commented on the previous post. It's just my typical rambling when I'm super duper lonely back here.. Guess I could solve that by getting a life, huh =)?


  • At 12:26 PM, Blogger anjoooo said…

    Phew! Good to know that everything is working out, man. I hope that it continues to work out. Good luck!

  • At 12:07 AM, Blogger Lil Mis A said…

    good to know you are okay. :)


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