Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Sunday, May 21, 2006


1) When does concern for a person cross the line and start turning into the oh-so-evil nagging?

2) Must there always be a trade-off between $$$ & quality of life?

3) Why am I still getting irritated by insensitive comments from some rough, uncouth people I don't even know?


As we passed through the now familiar roads of Batam, I asked myself, 'Would I be content to stay here & live the rest of my life in this place, just like my bro? $$$ wouldn't even be a problem because the cost of living is low. I wouldn't need to work for other people and could start running my own business tomorrow. Isn't this what I want for myself in the future? BE MY OWN BOSS? So when the opportunity is right in front of me, why am I hesitating to take it??'

The answer lies in my reluctance to stay anywhere near my family. I know it sounds odd, but I just couldn't stand everything being arranged for me anymore. Sure, there are some benefits to this, like I don't have to worry about cooking my own meals and iron my own clothes, but there are times when I wish to be left alone and starve at night, or wear crumpled shirt when I go out! Staying with family means that I can't do all these anymore, & it feels like my freedom is being taken away suddenly, after 4 years of completely unobstructed actions.

I don't like people having a veto over any of my decisions, & if I want to make my room look like the aftermath of World War II, I can do it without anyone shouting. I don't like being SUMMONED to listen to your incessant nagging when you don't even actually care. Please just go and tend to your favourite IGCs and LEAVE ME (& your other MGCs) ALONE! Why must you always force your will onto us when you treat us like we're worthless to you?

We don't need your filthy riches. So don't shout at us when and where as you please..

I have never seen someone who could see his/her own FCs suffer so much & not even offer a hand. If you still have a human heart, please rescue your own FCs from their miseries. $$$ can't buy happiness for them, but your gesture will. It must be so painful for them to see their own PT not do anything when s/he has more than enough ability to save them.

Thinking of it now, the reason I left Sg for Melb was actually because I couldn't stand living with my own family anymore. Not my immediate family, but my extended family who has apts in sg. I had to get out because I was this -- close to snapping. I had almost forgotten it all after so long, but sadly I had to be reminded of it again now.

Can't wait to reclaim my freedom when I head overseas again. It's a funny thought, but I think I can understand why do women in the past fight for their voting rights, and why did the Indos want to drive out the Dutch so much in the 1900s. I'm sure the Dutch didn't cook dinner and force it down their throat, in which case I think they wouldn't be wanting to chase 'em out anymore back then (it's a sign of the changing world!), but the right to choose what you feel like is definitely worth more than anything in the world.

Merdeka! Liberte! Freiheit! Liberta! De vrijheid! Libertad! 自由!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Virtual Reality comes to life, at HOME!!

Nintendo is making a comeback, BIG TIME!! Look out for the console release in 2006!

Meanwhile, savour the VR possibility in this Nintendo ad. Now you can't say the other player is crazy whenever s/he gets too 'gan cheong' & swing his/her Playstation joystick around like a possessed mind!

Monday, May 15, 2006

New blog: Laws of Finance & Economics - Reviewed

Visitors to this blog, if you are interested in Finance or Economics or have studied Commerce or Business course in the Uni, please click this link!

It's a special place I'm keepin' to discuss Finance-related things that I read and either strongly agree or disagree with. I'm looking forward to comments or proposals from visitors and definitely welcome any suggestions or contributions too!

My other blog: leonhart's MiniInnovation ---> a forum for innovations. Suggestions are most welcome! (Blogger's note: a few ideas in the blog has been invented long before I came up with it, although I wasn't aware of it before I googled it after I wrote my piece. People came up to me & asked if I was dissappointed that my 'Eureka!' moment came too late, but I'm actually happy that these ideas DO work in real life! I believe I'll come up with something in the future that someone hasn't invented yet, & finally realise my dream of becoming a product designer *fingers crossed!*)

Sunday, May 07, 2006

It's almost OFFICIAL...

... I won't be going back to Melb this year. I've decided to stay in sg to work for 1/2 year before going back to resume my Masters studies next year. (Unless I get an unexpected windfall in the next 2 mths, eg. Singapore Big Sweep's 2 million bucks 1st prize, in which case I don't really need to worry abt my work exp already, do I? =)

I'm really sorry that I can't keep my promise to come back in the 2nd sem. It makes me feel really guilty, like a betrayal of some sort to my trusted friends, especially to those who has asked, screamed, cried, nagged, etc etc over my decision. I have to say I'm really touched and makes me feel even worse when I think it over, because I know there are faithful friends over there waiting for my return, & yet it seems like I'm disregarding all of that. I want to clarify here that is definitely NOT the case! I hope for your understanding by providing these few important reasons (in no particular order) that led to my decision, because a lot of you have asked about this before (& I thought it'd be easier to put this here rather than saying or typing it a hundred times over when someone asks =):

1) My bro & family convinced me that work experience is more important compared to a Masters degree atm. Obviously I'd like to have both at the same time, but since I'm not very likely to get a work permit anytime soon in Oz, my only option is to work in sg first...

2) Business venture. My own business is just starting to take off atm and I feel I have to stay & watch it grow for a while first because I've worked so hard to put in on track.

3) Financial. I really don't want my dad to foot my Uni fees again this time so I have to work hard to get my 'perpetuity' going first before I can go.

4) Family. Many things are happening at this time, to both my immediate & close extended families, & I've to be here to be with them.

There are some people I have to apologise to for not being able to make it back to Melb this year:

1) Derr & Joon, my 'gay' housemates. I've promised you guys to be back for the July intake, & I was really looking forward to this. So sorry I couldn't make it back there this year.

2) Jel, my 'other' housemate. We' ve been hanging out for only 1 month (I think..) but it's been wonderful spending those time with u & the guys. *Blames Derr for not making us click earlier* Anyway, I hope u guys are having fun there, even though it's reduced exponentially when I'm not there *grin* Haha. All right enough crapping for now. Visit me when you're back home in sg & we can hang out again k?

3) Andrew a.k.a. Boi2 & Zel, my baddie 'kakis'. All the promises of entering competition when I'm back in July... Really sorry coz I can't make it back this time. I miss playing baddie with u guys @ uni, coz over here it's either I'm too strong or too weak for the ppl I play against, hence the fun factor is much reduced. I've already slowed down substantially from the competitive lvl in melb, but I promise to keep fit and be ready for competition next year when I return! & We'll whoop whoever's arses that come along!!!!

4) Am & Kel, my faithful summer buddies. Sorry for not being able to accompany u guys, especially Am, to watch the World Cup. Man I'm gonna be watching it all alone in the wretched sg (though my cousins might keep me company when they come back from US =) At least you guys will be watching it 2gether haha. I'll also be missing Flare's dance production this year, so i'm expecting a VCD to be forwarded to my sg address! Kel, our business venture will have to be postponed till next year, but in a way it's good because I haven't come up with anything yet atm! Gives me more time to think abt it & comes back firing on all cylinders =)!

5) XxX, my confidant. Really, really sorry I couldn't keep my promise but do keep in touch yeah? Thanks for the message btw! I'll call you soon as soon as I'm back there!

6) All the other people whom I've missed out. You guys r the ones that make me wanna return to melb ASAP & I promise (not an empty one this time) I'll go back at the earliest time possible..