Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Funny arguments on various male toilet walls in Melb. Uni.

I'm always intrigued by the amount (& quality?) of writing that is left behind by all visitors to the various male toilets (Not sure about female's, someone fill in this space!) in Melb. Uni. The arguments range from the current VSU proposal to the political situation in Israel & Iraq. Following are the details on what I've unearthed from the 'goldmine' (Literally...):

1) Topic: Enactment of VSU
Place found: Monash Road Computer Lab
1st writer: Support VSU - gave 4 reasons - the funniest one being 'no more jobs for hacks'
Next reply: WTF? Who?
Reply to the 1st reply: Dunno. Poor golfers?

2) Topic: University, the land of intellectuals (or just bored people?)
Place found: Doug McDonnell
quote: 'You know you are in University when people takes time to enter debates on a wall..'

That's all I can remember now. I''ll update this section as I go around the male toilets to collect more 'scholarly' writings. Female readers, please update this part if you find any notable quotes in your respective quarters (Post it on comments & I'll update it on the blog!)


  • At 7:00 PM, Blogger Lil Mis A said…

    hmm interesting. u should see what's on the back door of the math's building. pplz having an arguement about the pie value... 3.14159....


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