Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Monday, August 01, 2005

New subject, new job

Amazing. Haven't worked for a single day for the past 2 1/2 years and now I've 2 in a row. Almost finished with one (NAB), and I just found out I'll be attached to Australia Post for the whole of this semester. Haven't found out what project we'll be given exactly yet, but I expect something challenging & fun.

Met my new team members in the lecture today (I've changed group as the previous attachment I was assigned to (Department of Trade, Innovation & Industry (??)) did not match my timetable..) and they seem to be pretty nice people. I guess that's very important since we'll be working together for the whole semester and I really don't want to stuff this up.

Really looking forward to the work experience, but I'm not really thrilled with how the subject is assessed though. In fact, it's a bit of a joke really. Since this subject has no exam component, I had expected our employer's feedback to form quite a big part of the assessment. Reality: not taken into consideration at all. These are what we'll be assessed on:

1) 6 Class presentation 5%
2) Video 10%
3) Final report 25%

1) CV 5%
2) Personal Journal 35%
3) File 15%

1st, if you calculated the total to be 95%, you are right. Apparently the lecturer hasn't decided on how to assess us and didn't bother to total it up after she came up with the breakdown. 2nd, just looking at the list of the things up for assessment above, i'm sure you could pick up what's wrong with them. These are the ones I found damn outright stupid:

1) CV
we're supposed to give the employer our CV on our 1st day of work. It's nothing much really, basically just what a normal CV would look like. I'm wondering what's there to be assessed on this 1 really. I mean, does it mean that people with more work experience and could speak more languages would get the top mark out of this category? It just doesn't make any sense at all!

2) Personal journal
we'll be given sort of a review worksheet every week to reflect on what we've learnt for the past week and also indicate how many hours we spend, as a team and individually, on the subject. This is the dumbest part of assessment in my view, because we could do an absolute shit job at the organization and then write some of the world's greatest bullcrap on this worksheet to get the top mark in this subject. I mean, it's a good thing to reflect on what we've done, but to be giving away most of the marks in the subject to something so subjective is just not acceptable. Honestly, I believe this is the only subject in the whole commerce faculty that doesn't depend on our degree of understanding towards what we do, rather it's assessed on how well we can bullsh*** our way to the top.

3) Class presentations
We're supposed to present progress report to the class for 6 times, which is only worth 5% in total. This is just damn outright stupid. Since this subject is about work experience, shouldn't this be the most important part of the assessment along with the written report? Even if we manage to overhaul the whole company's faulty systems, we'd only be getting 5% for our effort. Instead of doing that, I reckon all the people would rather spend time on thinking how to crap their way to the top marks through the personal journal part rather than spending time on this. Enough said..

Had really high expectation for this subject at 1st, but not anymore. In fact, I'd have quitted if not for the chance to work. Just found out too that apparently Oz Post is not ready for us to start tomorrow, so our group will be starting next week instead when all the other groups will be beginning theirs this week. Great, just great. Everything is going from bad to worse. Hopefully this is the worst it could get to..

On the bright side, I have another idea for the MiniInnovation part. Since I've been blogging for more than an hour today, I think I'd leave it till next time though. Stay tuned!!


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