Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Review of 1st half 2005 & aims for 2nd half 2005

Haven't been posting anything for a while now. Not that I'm busy doing anything at the moment, just have been too lazy to write these days.. After all it's holiday!! I always feel like blogging the most when I'm stressed up doing assignments or studying for exam (which explains the unusual surge in the no. of posts during June..). Now that when everything in the 1st semester is officially over, including SUG, it's time to review how well it went for me..

I had 2 aims at the beginning of the year: 1st priority, getting honours marks for my subjects & 2nd, qualify for SUG team. Not even close of getting the 1st, & although I did get into the SUG team, overall I wasn't very happy with my own performance. So I guess I can say that I pretty much screwed up the whole semester 1. I have to say that 1 of the reasons I didn't get my 1st priority done was because I concentrated too much of my time on the 2nd one, but on the other hand after looking at this year's papers, I realised I couldn't have done much better anyway if I had spent a bit more time on studying (denial, denial...).

A bit more details about the SUG. Most of the matches there were pretty boring, except for the matchup against Swinburne. There are so much more good players in Melb. Uni. than any other teams in other SUG teams (excluding Swinburne), COMBINED. Every single match was spent on trying to hit the players of the opposition teams and that provided a bit of entertainment for us in an otherwise dull week, competition-wise. I'm so looking forward to making the AUG team so that we could play stronger teams around Oz, & to do that I'm starting my own training regime. Hopefully that will let me finally achieve my aim of getting into the AUG team.....

A friend helped me get an internship in a bank she's working at (Thanks a lot Kitty!!). To be honest, I'm not really looking forward to that as 1) it pays $5/day & 2) I can't get on with my own training program if I'm working 9-5 each day. That said, I want to experience working in the industry where I'll probably spend most of my time on in the future before I graduate. I've also been getting a lot of pressure from my mom and cousin (she's more like a big sis to me than a cousin..) to get some work experience now. So yeah, I will still take up the job and probably figure out some other way to continue the training.

This job actually doesn't matter that much now as I'd definitely be working for 1 of the big companies here next sem. as part of my course. This is actually the 1 I'm really looking forward to as we'll be assigned a project & we'll be working on it for 1 whole sem. The plus side is we don't have to do any exams (yay!) but we'll do hell lot of presentation, which suits me fine as I've done plenty of those before. The negative side is I won't be getting a cent from those tightarse companies as it's part of the course...

These are my aims for the 2nd sem:
1) Get honours mark for all subjects
2) Work on the project assigned with maximum concentration and possibly secure a work deal with the company
3) Get the training program up-and-running ASAP and qualify for AUG

Hmm... what else? that's probably all for now. Be back with more posts later...


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