Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Friday, June 24, 2005

Post-exam thoughts

Last exam, added another subject to 'I-don't-really-want-to-know-what-mark-I'm-gettin'-category', which makes the total this semester to 3 subjects!!! In my whole uni. life so far, there was only one other subject in the previous 2 years that I didn't really care to check the mark after it was posted. Statistically speaking, in this semester I've added 300% worth of crap to that category, which is just 'great'... added to the fact that 3rd year subjects are really crucial for employment in commerce, I think I have just added a whole list of reasons for potential employers to use to reject my applications...

I could probably blame a lot of the marks I'll be getting this semester on the standard of the exam papers, which were definitely a lot harder than the previous years'. However, to use this excuse would mean that I have no control over any of the variables that can help me secure higher marks (in economics terms, exogenous variables), which is probably not very true since I could have spent a bit more time on the subjects instead of going off to play baddie at every possible chance! Making the variables endogenous, such as devoting more time to STUDY + allowing plenty of resting time, would definitely allow me to achieve higher concentration and therefore higher marks. Definitely have to take this into account on my next and possibly LAST uni. exam....

On the brighter side, I can finally proceed with the plans that I've come up with, ironically, during the exam period (which, of course, is supposed to be used on revisions.. Just can't get the plans out of my head though..). First up on the list would be to apply for jobs. 2 options for this: 1, to be an unpaid labourer at some offices anywhere, or 2, work night-shifts in Mackers with my friend. My cousin who is doing commerce course in the US encouraged me to get the work in the office as it would definitely make my resume look better, even though the work might just entails serving coffee/tea to some high-level so-called 'executives', who either think they are too important a figures to move their asses, or they are just lazy fat-bastards who can't even get around in the office. Mackers is offering 16 bucks/hr, which would be a welcome addition to my rapidly-shrinking fund....
2nd on the list, make the long overdue donation to the Plan USA fund, which is organising relief missions to help African kids. The last time I've made a donation was 2 months ago, & since I've pledged to donate every month I'll have to donate US$200 this time, which would roughly equate to AUS$270... Which makes the Macker job ever more important... or I'd just have to live w/ 1.5-2 meals a day for the next 1 month.. Wouldn't compare to what those kids are experiencing though, coz they are more likely to live on just 1 meal a day, even after being given aids....
3rd, get back to training & build up my stamina again. Planned to do lots of swimming & track running next week, & of course play lots of baddie!
4th, rest...
5th, rest + watch anime...
6th, rest + watch OC season 2 + lots of other chinese drama series...

Grand plans that would probably use up the whole holiday.. Though the last time I made plans I only carried out 1 out of 5.. We'll see what happens this time..


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