Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Friday, June 17, 2005

3rd post exam evaluation

Took my 3rd exam today. Added another item to the 'not eagerly awaited results' category. I always had the idea that I'm gonna struggle in this subject from the start, & I've proven myself correct. Although I had scored 86% in assignments (which is worth 35% of the total assessment), the way I flopped at the exam today will ensure that I will get no more than a pass mark for the subject. I calculated that I need 30/100 from the final exam to pass this subject, which was really my aim at the start of the course. However, after doing past year papers, I started to aim for a bit more since I fared pretty well in answering those questions. My expectations were definitely brought down back to earth after looking at the exam paper today, which was twice as hard as last year's....

To be fair, a pass mark would be what I deserve in this subject since I've hardly put in any work during semester. All the assignments were mostly collaboration of work with my other friends (and when I said collaboration, I really meant that I only contribute around 30% of the work!). Apart from that, I did a few days worth of crash course studying of this subject before the exam. Now, with all that little effort put in, surely I can't expect more than a pass mark? I kept on having the thought that it would not be fair to those people who would have done more work than me but have worse marks.

But who am I exactly to define what's fair? I've been studying for the whole semester for investment & it was 1 of my favourite finance subject so far. Guess what mark I'll be praying for when I get my result? 50%! IS THIS A FAIR RESULT FOR A SEMESTER's WORTH OF CONTINUOUS STUDYING?? I guess not. Everytime I start thinking about how things are unfair to other people, I would always get reminded of my own predicament and I would come to the conclusion 'screw 'em! I'm gonna get higher scores than all of 'em!' Pretty sure I won't be using this sentence in this exam though...

On the brighter side, all my friends doing this subject were complaining after exam 'bout how bad the exam was. This actually made me feel a bit better since they were my 'tutors', the people who almost did the assignments for me! I guess they wouldn't be as stumped as I'm, but they still felt it was pretty hard. The other thing is that finally I won't have to think 'bout maths anymore in my uni. life, as this will be officially the last math subject I have to take. So all is good there.

Next exam is 1 week away. Gonna start revision 2morrow, since there are tonnes of materials to go through. Really like this subject for the presentation part, even though the exam will be of a totally different format. Hope I can do it this time and score well...

People tell me 3rd year subject marks are the most important. Judging by the results I will be getting so far (I'm predicting 1 H2A, 2 passes, & 1 H2B), it really looks like I'll be having a 'bright' future ahead of me. Oh well, there's always next sem to improve my marks on, except that I won't be able to use this sentence again after the next 1.. 'Really' looking forward to what my future holds now...


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