Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

lack of sleep makes me dizzy & grumpy....

Went to uni. this morning & found out from my friends there's an assignment due today, which I wasn't even aware of! The next few frantic hours was spent preparing something decent to hand up in Ballieu and I thought given the time constraint, it was a pretty good effort :)
Had lunch in the uni (as you are all aware, i'm not really a cook..) and then came straight home after that for a quick nap... Planned to do some massive studying right after that when I was still in the uni, but something quite unexpected happened..
Normally I would have switched my phone to silent mode when I'm sleepin', & I don't know why I didn't this time. 1/2 hr into my siesta, received a phone call, which I couldn't be bothered to take because the phone was on the table, around 3 m away from my bed... turned out to be a wrong decision coz it just kept on ringing as apparently the caller had left a message... siesta ruined, but that wasn't the worst... called voicemail to retrieve the msg 'hey jeffrey, it's andrew. Just wondering how is it going with the tax income calculations, i will drop by this afterno... toot message deleted'. damned accountant talks... next time please get your NOs. right before you call!!!
& here I'm. for those people who don't know my sleeping habit that well, once I'm woken up I can NEVER get back to sleep again. Plus the fact that I only slept for 5 hrs last night, I'm surviving on total 5 1/2 hr sleep.. Not that bad considering I went on for 72 hrs w/o sleep before when I was rushing my Macroeconomics assgn. in 2nd year.. Uni. life makes me lazy... used to be able to survive on 5 hrs sleep everyday in SG, but ask me to do that now & I would collapse in heaps within a week...

Conclusion: Studying in Uni. does make you SLIGHTLY smarter, but it also makes you MUCH lazier.. Think of the trade-off before recommending uni. to anybody next time..


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