Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Monday, August 01, 2005

leonhart's MiniInnovation: Room humidity controller

Was rushing out to school this morning when I came up with this idea. When I was halfway between my place and Uni, I was trying to remember whether I did or didn't turn off the heater in my room before I left. I had once left it on when I was out for the whole day and Derrick told me he had to turn it off coz he could virtually feel the heat enveloping the whole apartment :) & he also correctly pointed out that it could potentially lead to fire burning down the whole place as my heater doesn't have any stand and so it's resting on the carpet floor (it did come with the stand, but I couldn't figure out how to install it & so I just left it alone...).

& as I was thinking of that, an idea just popped up in my mind: what if the room humidity is so high that it's impossible to start a fire? It would work well when people are out of their houses and they have forgotten to turn their dangerous appliances off (eg. heater, toaster, oven, etc).

More analysis:

Product: Room humidity controller

Uses: Automatically switched on when people exit the door (so there is a sensor connected to the door to switch on the controller), this device could help prevent small fire from starting up in the first place, which in turn could stop other things from catching fire and burn down the whole place. Obviously this device would have to be turned off when there are people inside since it'd be intolerable for them (equivalent of staying in Singapore or Indonesia... Wonder how people still survive there..).

Product specification: Controller connected to some sort of water sprinkler to keep humidity at high level when people exit the building or room. Built in duct to suck away the moisture really fast (5 mins. max.) when people enter the room to make it comfortable for people to stay inside again.

Commercial analysis: I'd think that this idea would work well if some product engineers could come up with the right equipment as I specified. Imagine if every house or building has one of these devices installed (& they pay me 20% royalty), I'd be a millionaire in a few years time! A bit too far-fetched perhaps, but I really think this idea could work. It would save a lot of buildings from being burned down due to some minor accidents relating to fire and possibly save lives too. Imagine a toddler being left in the house and small fire started somewhere inside it. With this device, it could save the baby & the property at the same time. Hmm, I'm getting a bit enthusiastic about this idea now.

Suggestions & comments people? (Incentives: I might make you guys partners in my hypothetical firm!!)


  • At 11:46 AM, Blogger zello said…

    how do you intend to figure out whether people are still in the room? Heat scans? Wouldn't that pick up the heater itself? What about pets?

    Also, what if you want to keep plants or food like fruit in the room?

    Third, 5 minutes in high humidity waiting for it to clear would be pretty uncomfortable.

    Fourth, if you can tell when no one is in the room, put that function into the heater to turn itself off!!

  • At 6:37 PM, Blogger leonhart said…

    Hmm... gd points there..
    the main thing I was concerned with when I came up w/ this was the lives of human (not pets, Hence no considerations for them). Maybe special cages??

    I was also thinking of using vacuum system so that the vapour could be sucked out within seconds. It has to be powerful enough to get vapours out, but not until it can get other things flying around!


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