Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Ozzies can't count!!

Went in to Safeway to get a Vodafone top-up a few days ago (coz they offer 10% off any top-up amount). Had this conversation with the person behind the counter:

Me: Hi. Can I get a Vodafone top-up?
Counter: Sure. How much?
M: 50 bucks
C: Sure. That will be $47.95 please
M: It says there 10% discount
C: You're right. How much does that mean? 46.95?
M: ....... (Before I could say another word, the manager walked in)
Manager: What's the problem here? (he could see the other person looking a bit confused..)
C: He's buying a 50 bucks Vodafone top-up
M2: Let me handle this. That will be $45 thanks

(I handed over the EFTPOS card to the C, manager walked away)

C: Would you like any cash out?

Sure didn't feel like having my money handled by someone who can't figure out how much 10% of $50 is (It's not actually the 1st time I've experienced this here, although the last few experiences were at least not as shocking as this 1!)


  • At 5:04 PM, Blogger zello said… should have seen one of my law classmates (mainland chinese too)

    After finding out her results for one of our assignments was 13/20, she whipped out her laptop and opened up the calculator on it to find out her percentage....and was so happy she got an h3...

    Multiply by five, or divide by 2 and add a zero.....

    and she's going to be a lawyer.....

  • At 11:32 PM, Blogger leonhart said…

    Hmm.. the interesting part is that your friend is a mainland chinese who can't count... For the fact that she's going to be a lawyer, that's not going to be much of a problem I think. Lawyers just go off and think of reasons to mess up the society through loopholes in the law systems, & then the money will be deposited in their Swiss bank accounts......


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