Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

.... & so it ends....


finally lost our 2 matches winning streak against Timothy, though it was a pretty good match played mostly on the technical side. I wasn't even tired at the end of it all because there wasn't much running during the match. Most points were played in 5 strokes max, & every1 showcased whatever tricks they had to catch the opposition off guard. Lost 16-21 at the end, but it definitely wasn't a bad result given that Timothy (the ex-national player) provided the opposition.

Anws, whoever said that being an insurance guy is easy had gotten it wrong totally! I just came back from the 1st (out of 5 days) training session & & I'm as dead as the fridge right now! There are so MANY things to learn that it's not funny =( I think I'm having 2nd thoughts now haha. Can't do anything about it though coz I'll still have to endure the rest of it to qualify... & then I'll be off travelling to many places! (think positive, hendry!! It'll be over before you even know it. The sufferings, that is, not the travels!)

Got to go back to snooze land now. Early day tmr morning coz apparently the Prudential boss is coming to the lecture (seriously, WHO CARES??). We are made to wear ties & suits just to make him feel 'welcome'. Well whatever really. I don't really need this job anyway, so i'm just gonna try my luck & 'be different' =)


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