Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

There hasn't been a lot to update lately. These past 2 weeks has been really mundane, save for the visit of my lil' niece to sg for her immunization jab 3 days ago. She's getting cuter & cuter by the day! Babies are definitely more responsive to sights of the people they like when they are at least 3 months old! Now whenever we try to play with her, she'll flash her 1000-watt smile that just melts everyone's heart =)

That's one of the main reasons that makes me reluctant to relocate permanently overseas; I won't get to watch my lil' nephews and nieces grow up in the future. Yet there's my ambition calling elsewhere, and right now there's a chance to break through the stalemate I'm currently in. It's still on the sketch pad, but we expect to conclude it within 1 month. If it goes through, it will mean I'll be leaving everything behind: family, business, the familiar surroundings, etc. It'll be a fresh start all over again, and as much as I was thinking of relocating back to melbourne previously, it has become harder & harder now to do so with so many relationships I've to forsake in order to achieve that.

Comes down to the question of whether I want to live a peaceful life within my loved family circle, or to live up to my potential and test my mettle in the business field. I really relish the challenge & just thinking about the boundless opportunities already makes me filled with energy.

Expect next 2 weeks to be really draining on my mental power as I have to make my decision before discussing 'the' plan in further details...

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Only at Indonesia...

Found some hilarious stuff posted on facebook recently in relation to Indonesia's coming election. Here are some posters:

These displays look more like movie posters than election billboards! Personally like the Gandalf (Lord of the Ring) personification in the upper middle part lol. Apparently anyone with white beard can pass off as the legendary wizard haha.

Next up,an array of hot-aspiring-to-be-politician ladies!

Left poster reads, 'who says pretty gal can't bring forth the aspiration of the masses?'

Centre poster is quite dumb really. Apparently the one campaigning for a seat is the father of a famous singer (I googled her name and found that out haha coz I don't recognize any indo artists), & he puts under his name 'Cynthia Lamusu's (the artist's) father'. Apparently when you've got a hot singer daughter, you stand a better chance of being appointed to the Senate, regardless of whatever you've done for your community. Not. Anyway, don't be surprised if this tactic works out for him. Coz it's Indonesia. and admit it, sex does sell everywhere.

People from all walks of life at Indo aspire to be politician. From tiger tamer, funky artist, security guard, salon owner, road sweeper, and also the unemployed. Oh well at least there's someone who thought out of the box. He left his billboard in the middle of a lake, where no one would fight with him for attention. Really smart move. At least he has got my vote already.

oh btw the bottom right corner poster reads, 'if you want to find job, vote for me! If you don't, I'll be the one out of job... hahaha (this part is really in the poster!)' Definitely aiming high in terms of his job search! The poster at the lower part (2nd from left) reads 'True leaders serve the people they represent'. Gotta give it to him for his 'service' to his community!

Now you ask, with so many candidates to choose from (all with their creative pitches), wouldn't the people be confused? If you ask me, there's ONE & ONLY winner which has captured my vote:

Poster says 'Don't choose me because I'm:

- Not a candidate

- like to rip-off the society

- never does anything for the community

- gives empty promises

- corruption is my hobby

- respect all the corruptors'

This guy has got to be the most honest wannabe politician there was, is and ever will be at Indonesia! These are what all indo politicians are thinking in their mind, but no one ever has the guts to admit it. Kudos for his honesty, & he's certainly gonna win a landslide victory in his state election!

Somebody has gotta hire his campaign manager coz that dude must be a genius!