Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Debate topic - Do ladies lack willpower in relationship?

Ok this is just to satisfy my own curiosity since I've personally seen/heard too many cases on how women tend to be (very) reluctant to leave their boyfriends, however badly they're treated, once they're together.

I guess someone who would readily agree with me will be Derrick, since he has seen first hand too that many attractive girls in Trinity College were attached to j*rk boyfriends, and we even heard stories on how they were abused (read: beaten up). Our intake was a small community, so each of us were connected to at least one person of the sub-groups within the intake, and the flow of gossips was like small streams feeding continuously into the main river. I remember the many occassions that we discussed how we would do SO much better than their boyfriends (yes, that's how guys form bonds initially in case you ladies didn't know!), but obviously we had no chance coz those girls were just sticking by their men despite whatever nasty things they were subjected to.

From the cases that I've heard of or even inquired further into (when my female friends are involved), evidence points to the fact that women is indeed the weaker/more vulnerable party in a relationship. I believe guys will have no doubt in getting out of the situation if their girlfriends are overbearing and abuse them (which in this case leans more towards emotionally rather than physically), but women show remarkable resilience in enduring abuse (also covers emotional aspect as well) when the option of leaving is wide open.

Well these are just my own views. Ladies, if you have any opinions, both in dis/agreements, please feel free to leave your comments. Would really love to hear your views on this as it'd serve as a good reference point for me and the other male readers!


  • At 8:53 PM, Blogger Clare said…

    yes...ladies lack will power..unfortuantely ~_~


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