Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Lucky Day!

Spent the whole day catching up with old friends, which was really nice since I haven't hung out with them for quite a while. To top it all, a string of lucky things just kept on coming one after another. Certainly hope it keeps on rolling...

Joined my Trinity friends for dinner just now and while we were there waiting to be served, I received a sms from my brother saying that our client was very pleased with our product and they were negotiating the details for the contract. Expect no major problems and the deal to be closed once the client gets back and emails me later. I've finally closed my first major deal after 3 years of hard work and sleepless nights, & I hope this will keep me financially independent before I even start working. If everything goes according to plan, I will be earning (can't quote the exact figure..) roughly twice what normal graduates get, and best of all, it's almost TAX FREE!! Don't want to get my hopes too high up yet, but I think this is what I deserve after years of slogging...

After we finished dinner, Derrick & I went to the new bowling place at Melb Central and used our free game coupon to get a free game each. We were already at the 10th try when the system broke down and the pins were not lowered. We then asked the people to fix the problem and they finally managed to fix it, but not before we asked for another free game because of all the waiting time involved! 2 games for nothing, even though our bowling skills can be improved much further...

In addition to the free bowling game, I also had a $10 voucher for the arcade and we intended to use it then. Derrick suggested we took a tour of the place to look at the games 1st before actually using it, & that was when I discovered people were playing free Virtua Cops! We had a few rounds of that and decided to wait up for the Daytona 2, which was a cool game with moving seats when players spin out of control or crash onto the wall. Tried every single level (since it's all free!) and managed to complete around 7-8 games before someone approahed and asked us whether we were Harvey Norman's employees! Apparently they were holding a party there and they had booked the whole place, including the whole arcade place and that was why all the games were free. We left after that, but our entertainment tab (including the bowling games) for tonight must have come close to $100 and we got all that w/o spending a single cent!

& that wasn't all. The best thing that happened to me today was that the girl I have been most 'impressed' by and the one that I have been going after for a long, long time has finally 'noticed' my existence, and I certainly hope there is more to come in the near future. We have actually been friends for a long time but all the while I've felt that she was not aware of my fondness for her and I certainly had no intention to push for anything since it could be jeopardising our friendship. I've a hunch a common friend might have told her about my feeling and I could feel that she's responding in a positive sense when she talked to me today. It's something that I haven't sensed before from her when we chatted in the past, which were more like casual talks between normal friends. That's a good start, considering that she wasn't 'frightened' when she heard I have feelings for her (assuming that my hunch is correct...)

So what's so special about her? Well, there's just something about her that I don't see in a lot of other girls. The moment we first met & she smiled, the warmth and elegance that she exuded had completely mesmerized me & I was determined to at least try to win her over. Her friendliness has won her many friends and at the same time many suitors, of which only 1 she finally accepted (They have since broken up, but that was before I even knew her..). There are a lot more things that I have to say about her, but I will probably write that in the next few posts...

Anyway, the things that happened today really made up for all the s***ty things that came up yesterday, such as finding out that most likely I'll have to go back to SG in the coming March after consultation with an immigration lawyer. More on that on my next few posts (as I'm too lazy to continue writing now...)


  • At 11:16 PM, Blogger Clare said…

    Hey! congrats dude! Sound like all that hard work has paid off!!! Hope it all goes well for you :)

    ANd wif the gal thing.....jsut tell her...dun be scared....dun regret it one day that you never told her how you felt!!! and i know, you dun wana ruin friendship...but if your friendship is as strong/important as you'll be there, even if you guys dun work out as a couple! ^_^ goodlcuk!


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