Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


No I'm not dead yet... have had to answer that question a million times since the last post... Hmm. First post in quite some time. Have been so busy with exams these past 3 weeks that I wasn't very interested in posting anything up, which is kinda weird if you read this post before... Contradicting, which is what my state of mind is at the moment, but more on that later....

Have had 2 exams so far and only 1 more to go, before leaving Uni. for good... I don't know whether it's just the stress of exams getting to me or there were other factors, but I have been virtually functioning on 3 hours worth of sleep every arvo to keep me going, mainly because I found out I couldn't sleep at all during the night for the first 5 days before the 1st exam and decided to make better use of the time. Everyday I would wake up with a headache and ended up not being able to concentrate for the rest of the day. Luckily I had almost 10 days to prepare for the 1st exam (Corp. Fin.) and I had finished 1/2 of the revisions in the 1st 5 days before I got myself into the semi-conscious state for the remaining 5 days. 1st exam went ok, but I wasn't able to answer some easy questions, which I would have done easily had I not walked into the exam hall only HALF ALIVE. Fingers crossed on the results....

2nd exam came 3 days later. Hadn't attended 70% of the lectures in this subject but surprisingly we were the top scoring group for the subject during the presentation! Figured if that's the case, then it wouldn't be so hard to crap on the exam, given that that was what we did in the presentation too. Managed to prepare the materials to write within 1.5 days and even managed to squeeze in a baddie session and a Tekken showdown w/ Derrick on Sunday before memorizing the pts! All went well in the exam when 2 of the 3 questions I prepared for was spot on and I managed to make up some crap on the spot for the 3rd question, which I thought was pretty good given the time constraint. High hopes for this 1, but better not get carried away 1st, if my past experience was any indication...

Side note: I mentioned it might be the stress of exam that might have caused the insomnia, but I found out that wasn't the only reason. THE MAIN REASON turned out to be I have a VERY PICKY HEAD/BRAIN! I've bought 5 pillows now and for a while they all seem to be pretty good, until they are REJECTED by my brain, which usually results in insomnia. Bought a new one last friday and all was gd again.... until 2 days later when it becomes not good enough (AGAIN!). & my insomnia starts setting in again.... I even resorted to taking some blue pills (NOT what some people are thinking of..) for hayfever & flu with drowsy effect, but even that could not KO me into sleep. Almost every night I'd try to lie down only to wake up 1/2 hr later bcoz I didn't want to waste anymore time trying to get to sleep... & stay up till the next morning... I think I'm turning into Dracula soon....

Any advices for insomnia would be greatly appreciated!!!


  • At 1:09 AM, Blogger Lil Mis A said…

    are the pillows too soft again hendry? hahahah good luck for your last exam


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