Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Monday, October 17, 2005


... With one of my fav sport back in SG, Volleyball!

Ventured into Sports Centre as I didn't have anything to do for 4 hrs following my morning class because a 2-hr lect. has been cancelled for the day. It just so happened that there were people there because of the Campus Sports program, and today's event was volleyball. Since I wasn't going to do anything at least for another 2 hrs, I thought I'd just stay and watch them play. After watching the players warming up on the court, memories of the secondary school days flashed back. Back then I was playing a spiker for our team (mainly because I didn't know how to do the set-ups!) and my always reliable partner was our PE teacher, who could always find me with his set ups no matter how hard his positions were. We always had a lot of fun whenever everyone stayed back after school hours to play (The REAL reason was because we always had endless streaks of remedial classes every single afternoon, but we would sometimes skip those because of volleyball/basketball!!).

That was at least five years back though, & I haven't touched a volleyball ever since. So when one of the guys there asked me to play (because they were lacking a player), I hesitated for a while before agreeing to join them. I had been looking to join a proper volleyball team in the Uni but I had been afraid that I wouldn't make the cut.... & now i've been handed a lifeline to start playing again!

Game started! I was a bit rusty at first but I quickly discovered my touch again and was able to take smashes from the opposing team pretty well. Apart from that, my teammates also set up a few spikes for me, 2 of which didn't go over the net as my jump wasn't high enough (I was wearing jeans & work shoes..).Was quite dissapointed with my serves as I almost got all of them out at the back court!

We took the 1st set 30-21. By that time, the player that I was replacing had made his way there and I was replaced. He offered me a high five but I almost wanted to pretend I didn't see it because I didn't want to get off! At the end, I had to let him come in and watch from the sideline, as I always do whenever I venture into Sports centre to watch people play. Really would like to start playing volleyball again soon, although discovering it at this stage of Uni doesn't really help.. After all, if I do manage to find a group to play with, I might be back in SG to work even before any competition starts next year... Or I might be in Geelong if I do stay here, making it impossible to play... Doesn't working life suck? I don't even want to think of those days when I'm no longer able to enjoy sports and other activities that I enjoy doing now..


  • At 4:21 AM, Blogger teabag said…

    I like Vball too!!! (: I would have join the Vball team if I'm a tad taller!!! I would be so dwarfed! Anyhow, we should all go play one day! Do you play Beach Vball as well?? I like it! Summer is coming..ohhlala (:

    All the best for exams prep!

  • At 1:29 AM, Blogger leonhart said…

    Yeah! Finally found some1 here who likes vball too! We should definitely head down to the beach & play 1 day... or just rent a court at uni & play there.. either way, we should do it ASAP!!!!


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