Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What can you get for $35?

What would you do with $35? For me, It's an experience with half hour tarot card reading! One of my good friends, who is quite a big believer in this stuff, convinced me to have a go... & Surprise surprise, I was quite amazed by its accuracy even though I went in with a sceptical mind!

I just have to post up the results here so that I can check years later whether the reading is true or that person is just a hoax.. Basically in the 1/2 hour session we can ask them anything we want to, but if we have no particular concerns, then they will just proceed to do some general stuff until we do.

General reading: She mentioned that I've a conflict right now in my mind, which I presume to mean the choice between staying here or moving somewhere else when I finish Uni. I then went on to ask which option is better (she did another reading), & then she said it's better for me to stay here because I will die younger from all the stress at work back in Singapore (becoming uptight etc etc), even though I will be richer if I move back. She said I will still be rich here (but just not as rich as if I move back) & I will also enjoy my life here much more.

2nd reading (business): I asked her will my first business be successful, & she said it will be a smooth, but not explosive success, which means that this is not what will make me rich (from the 1st reading). I then asked about my future (in terms of work), & she mentioned that I will have 2 sources of income (Which I assume to be the 9-5 office work & my part-time work), & I will have to make a decision between the 2 in the near future because I won't have time to commit to both. & guess what, I think I already know the answer to this one!!

3rd reading (life, in general): Consistent with what the 1st reading said, I will become rich in my early 20s, & I will become a generous philanthropist by the time I'm 40. Side comment: I definitely can see myself doing this if I'm really rich since I'm already doing a bit of that when I'm still a poor student now!

4th reading (general guidance): Since I didn't have any other questions, she proceeded to give me a guidance reading. It says that I should take more risks & follow my heart when making decisions, which I think is what I've been doing so far in my life, even though the decisions might be irrational sometimes.

5th reading (family): I asked for what does she think of my relationship with my bro, & she said the key is to forgive but not forget, which pretty much sums up the situation. Next, I asked how to deal with my dad, & the tarot card says I can't reason with him (very true!) but I just need to listen to my inner voice...

...& that's all we had time for! Would have had much more time if she didn't sidetrack and talk about politics in China, Middle East, & all her travel adventures. Anyway, I think the reading did point out some general directions & facts in my life right now, so in a sense it's pretty much true. However, for some part of it, I kinda suspect they tell all the people the same story/answer, since it probably can apply to all types of situations (read the part on family). People generally won't ask questions on these unless they have some concerns, & I was really going to test the accuracy of the reading by asking how's my relationship now with my mom (because that's 1 that I'm clearest at), but I didn't have the chance to since the session was over. Well, there's always next time if I decide to go back again. Pretty impressed & happy with the reading results though, & hopefully these will really become reality. It's good to have these as a guidance, but as my uncle always said: Money won't fall from trees, & if it really does I have to be there quick enough to pick it up, which means that I still have to work hard to achieve those visions..


  • At 7:37 PM, Blogger Clare said…

    Dun you think you are just justifying it for her?

    Like, she could have given me that exact reading! and it would have worked!?

    Oh long as she made you believe :)

  • At 10:10 PM, Blogger leonhart said…

    Well, I do agree some parts of the readings are applicable to everyone. However, it is also true that some of it are specific to my own situation eg. if you have perfectly gd relationship w/ your dad, it wouldn't make sense if she gave you the reading that says you're having problem talking to your dad!& that would prove that she's just a hoax! For my case, it's really true that I(Id should really be 'we' here.. representing my bro & sis too!)'ve some communication prob w/ my dad even though i know he cares a lot 'bout us...


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