Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Friday, September 16, 2005

Stress Stress!!

After having it esay for the 1st part of the semester, all the assignments are piling up for the second part of it. I have to submit 3 reports, 2 projects, & 2 presentations in the 1st 2 weeks after Uni break. Most of those are actually group work, & I can swear that they're much harder than individual assignments in commerce. Looks like I won't be having much of a break this time...

Why must there always be a prick (or more) in every single group that I've been assigned to? I had 2 very, very lazy chinese girls (who, btw, still can't speak English properly even after attending high school here for 2 years!) in my 1st year accounting subject & I practically had to cover whatever they were doing because they either 1) didn't do it at all or 2) give me a sub-par work, which is not really any better than not doing at all since I pretty much have to redo all of it anyway! That experience was one of the many reasons that made me swear not to take another accounting subject in my uni life again.... & now I have the luck of dealing with an Oz gwuailoh who is among the worst people I've been working with so far. A list of things he has done:

1) Coming very late for meetings
2) Skips meeting altogether
3) Doesn't prepare anything when he comes to meetings!!
4) Promises to send his work for everyone else to see 1 month ago & I still haven't seen it materialize till today... (Called him just now to ask for it, but he claimed he sent it to the wrong email.. which is odd because I've only ever given him one before.... another of his stupid excuses, but at least he's better at making lies than that Speed guy... Called him up after waiting for 1.5 hrs w/ boi2 and he said: "I'm on a plane right now to Perth...", which is the DUMBEST EVER reason a person could come up with...)

I'm seriously very pissed with him right now and if he doesn't send me his work by tomorrow night, I swear I will cross his name off the group list!! I'll have a fair bit of explanation to give to the tutor and also maybe have to take over his workload, but I guess it's still much better than waiting for something that would prove futile in the end. Frustration vending ends here. Have to get back to work..... GRrrrrrrrrrrr...............


  • At 11:26 PM, Blogger Lil Mis A said…

    don't worry Hendry, you will be fine. just kick him out of the group. ah! the speed was pissing me off so much that i nearly strangled him.

  • At 12:00 PM, Blogger zello said…

    in my group assignments for law, the process was:
    a)work it out within the group,
    b) if unsuccessful, cover for them then notify the lecturer after the assignment is handed in
    c) or if it's extremely bad (like this seems to be) go to the lecturer and get the guy kicked out of your group

    you shouldn't have to be carrying other group members, especially not in final year subjects...

  • At 2:47 AM, Blogger teabag said…

    you really should have done ARTS! -grins- At least there ain't that many group projs!Right, this is not the most comforting thing to say at this stage I know, haha.

    On a serious note, what I would do is to just put in 101% for the assignment and complete it as best as I can, afterall my grades are at stake too, no way will I allow their 'slothiness' to send my grades rockbottom. :P And don't let their bad attitude affect ur good attitude too! If the project gets a good grade, they will respect ur capability too ;) I won't report them I suppose, I will talk to them at the end of it and it's just for their own good, if they're bound for success, they will hear you. If they don't hear you, they will eventually fallsodamnhard when they step out to the corporate world! While you with your great attitude is set for success!! ;)

  • At 12:23 PM, Blogger leonhart said…

    Hey Jan
    Thanks for the advice. Btw, what are you doing up at 2.47 am?? I hope it's just a holiday-break thing.. Otherwise you're gonna end up w/ very serious dark rings around your eyes soon...


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