Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Monday, October 31, 2005

How much is your blog worth?

My blog is worth $1,693.62.
How much is your blog worth?

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Weird posters...

You've seen plenty of motivational posters around. How about some demotivators to put down your high spirit?

More at demotivators

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Protest against Terrorism!!


In other news:

Jay Fullmer, 38, yesterday became the first American to get to grips with the concept of irony.

"It was weird" Fullmer said. "I was in London and like, talking to this guy and it was raining and he pulled a face and said, "Great weather eh?" and I thought - "Wait a minute, no way is it great weather".

Fullmer then realised that the other man's 'mistake' was in fact deliberate.

Fullmer, who is 39 next month and married with two children, aged 8 and 3, plans to use irony himself in future.

"I'm, like, using it all the time" he said. "Last weekend I was grilling steaks, and I burned them, and I said "Hey, great weather."

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Freak accident in soccer

Updated: Oct. 21, 2005, 12:00 PM UK
Freak injury rules out Hammers keeper Carroll

West Ham goalkeeper Roy Carroll has been ruled out of Sunday's Premiership clash with Middlesbrough after injuring his knee in a freak training-ground accident.

The Northern Ireland international was collecting balls from a goal when his foot was caught in the net, leading to the problem and giving Shaka Hislop his first start of the season following his return to Upton Park from Portsmouth in the summer.

Here we look at some other bizarre injuries sustained by players over the years.

RIO FERDINAND: During his spell at Leeds the England defender managed to pick up a tendon strain in his knee watching television. Ferdinand had his foot up on a coffee table for a number of hours and ended up injuring a tendon behind his knee.

RICHARD WRIGHT: The Everton goalkeeper faced most of the summer on the sidelines after damaging his shoulder falling through a loft as he was trying to pack away his suitcases.

SEAN FLYNN: The then Kidderminster captain suffered a broken nose, busted lip and bruised toes after tripping over his son's toy cars.

DAVE BEASANT: The veteran goalkeeper managed to rule himself out for eight weeks in 1993 when he dropped a bottle of salad cream on his foot, severing the tendon in his big toe.

SANTIAGO CANIZARES: The Spain goalkeeper missed the 2002 World Cup after accidentally shattering a bottle of aftershave in his hotel sink. A piece of glass fell on his foot, severing a tendon in his big toe.

KASEY KELLER: The American international knocked out his front teeth while pulling his golf clubs out of the boot of his car.

ALAN WRIGHT: The diminutive former Aston Villa full-back strained his knee by stretching to reach the accelerator in his new Ferrari. He subsequently swapped the sports car for a Rover 416.

DAVID JAMES: The England goalkeeper once pulled a muscle in his back when reaching for the television remote control and the keen angler also tweaked his shoulder when trying to land a monster carp.

STEVE MORROW: The former Northern Ireland defender broke his collarbone after falling off the shoulders of Tony Adams while celebrating the 1993 League Cup final win against Sheffield Wednesday.

ALEX STEPNEY: In 1975 the Manchester United goalkeeper Alex Stepney dislocated his jaw while shouting at his defenders during a match against Birmingham.

CHIC BRODIE: The Brentford goalkeeper's career came to an abrupt end in October 1970 when he collided with a sheepdog which had run onto the pitch. Brodie shattered his kneecap while the dog got the ball. ``The dog might have been a small one, but it just happened to be a solid one,'' he reflected.

SVEIN GRONDALEN: The Norway defender had to withdraw from an international during the 1970s after colliding with a moose while out jogging.

ALAN MULLERY: The England star missed the 1964 tour of South America after injuring his back while brushing his teeth.

DAVID BATTY: The former Leeds and Blackburn midfielder managed to re-injure his Achilles tendon when he was run over by his toddler on a tricycle.

DARREN BARNARD: The former Barnsley midfielder was sidelined for five months with a torn knee ligament after he slipped in a puddle of his puppy's urine on the kitchen floor.

LEE HODGES: The then Barnet player slipped on a bar of soap in the shower and wrenched his groin.

CHARLIE GEORGE: Arsenal's 1971 FA Cup hero managed to cut off his toe with a lawnmower.


MISTAR: The Indonesian footballer was killed aged just 25 by a stampede of pigs which overran his team's training pitch in 1995.



Monday, October 17, 2005


... With one of my fav sport back in SG, Volleyball!

Ventured into Sports Centre as I didn't have anything to do for 4 hrs following my morning class because a 2-hr lect. has been cancelled for the day. It just so happened that there were people there because of the Campus Sports program, and today's event was volleyball. Since I wasn't going to do anything at least for another 2 hrs, I thought I'd just stay and watch them play. After watching the players warming up on the court, memories of the secondary school days flashed back. Back then I was playing a spiker for our team (mainly because I didn't know how to do the set-ups!) and my always reliable partner was our PE teacher, who could always find me with his set ups no matter how hard his positions were. We always had a lot of fun whenever everyone stayed back after school hours to play (The REAL reason was because we always had endless streaks of remedial classes every single afternoon, but we would sometimes skip those because of volleyball/basketball!!).

That was at least five years back though, & I haven't touched a volleyball ever since. So when one of the guys there asked me to play (because they were lacking a player), I hesitated for a while before agreeing to join them. I had been looking to join a proper volleyball team in the Uni but I had been afraid that I wouldn't make the cut.... & now i've been handed a lifeline to start playing again!

Game started! I was a bit rusty at first but I quickly discovered my touch again and was able to take smashes from the opposing team pretty well. Apart from that, my teammates also set up a few spikes for me, 2 of which didn't go over the net as my jump wasn't high enough (I was wearing jeans & work shoes..).Was quite dissapointed with my serves as I almost got all of them out at the back court!

We took the 1st set 30-21. By that time, the player that I was replacing had made his way there and I was replaced. He offered me a high five but I almost wanted to pretend I didn't see it because I didn't want to get off! At the end, I had to let him come in and watch from the sideline, as I always do whenever I venture into Sports centre to watch people play. Really would like to start playing volleyball again soon, although discovering it at this stage of Uni doesn't really help.. After all, if I do manage to find a group to play with, I might be back in SG to work even before any competition starts next year... Or I might be in Geelong if I do stay here, making it impossible to play... Doesn't working life suck? I don't even want to think of those days when I'm no longer able to enjoy sports and other activities that I enjoy doing now..

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Watch this video:

click here

If you still decide to buy furry stuff after this, you probably merit a more PAINFUL death than the animals in the video...


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Racist Ronaldo

Ronaldo in Korea

R9 might be a goal machine, but it's truly a shame that he has shown total disrespect towards the female citizens of the host country, who just happened to have small slitty eyes. Oh well, we all had a laugh when he sported the reverse mohican hairstyle during the World Cup 2002.

Which celebrities' eyes are yours closest to?

Go to this website:

Click here

It says mine are closest to Orlando Bloom, Jude Law, & Jet Li (?)

Anyway, have a go & post your results up here!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Greatest sins of mankind (Final part)

It was never the same again. The Orcas, sensing and knowing that one of their own has been slain by a human, could never work with them again and left in droves. Not Old Tom. He believed in George, and perhaps they could identify human by faces rather than just broad classifications. Old Tom led a few of its friends/families and continued to stay around Eden, alerting the hunters to the prey as usual.

Around that period, however, large scale commercial whaling started as bigger ships were built and the potential preys became smaller and smaller in number. On one rare hunting trip, Old Tom and its mates led George, who by that time was a member of a medium sized steam whale hunting ship, to a large prey and they managed to kill it. Old Tom was just getting ready to take the bounty away, as usual, when the captain of the ship decided to take the whale carcass back to Eden immediately rather than waiting for Tom to bring it back later. George protested but did not insist on leaving the carcass with Tom, and the captain decided to snatch it away from Tom. Tom fought back, holding on to the rope that towed the carcass, but the ship was too strong and it rammed onto Tom a few times before it finally let go and cost it a tooth....

Hunts became rarer and rarer by the day, and there certainly was not any indication it would turn for the better. Tom's companions died one by one through starvation, and in the end Tom was the only survivor among all of its companions that stayed behind. George kept Tom alive when there was no food available by feeding it small fishes, but these big animals needed more than just that to survive. Tom finally decided to end its life on the beach of Eden, the place where it has built the most amazing relationship with George. It beached itself onto the sands and was found by George the following day. That day marked the end of Tom's life, and also the most amazing tale of human-beast relationship that ever existed...

George cut Tom apart afterwards and discovered an empty stomach, indicating that it might have starved to death, which was not surprising given the situation at that time. Tom's body was cleaned up and its skeleton was put up at the museum at Eden. One visiting scientist discovered one day that Tom has a fatal wound on its mouth that may have caused its death through infection, which was the wound from the tooth that was pulled out when it tried to fight for the whale's carcass, as part of the ritual of 'law of the tongue'...

It is sad to see the result of the faith that Tom had in George. I can't help but to wonder, would Tom have died if the captain was not so greedy and left it to have its fair share of the hunt first? Or more importantly, would Old Tom have died if its most trusted ally, George, to whom it has stuck closely to when almost all of its kind lost faith in human, have fought for his friend a bit more and not cause him to get that fatal wound? No one of course knows the answer, but the blind faith that old Tom showed was nothing sort of incredible, and humans were again culprit to the crimes of greed and disloyalty....

This whole story is a true event. If anyone doubts the authenticity of this story, just look at the record: the largest ever whale caught using a harpoon was found in Eden... More importantly, let's reflect on the story and never be caught with the same situation that has afflicted George and the captain, that is, the sin of greed and betrayal of faith...

Greatest sins of mankind (Part II)....

George and his party would start the hunting trip by watching the killer whales running the prey ragged and attacking them constantly. Once they have sufficiently tire it down, the hunters would then move in and start harpooning it from far, and then move even closer again to finish it off by repeating the stabbing motion just on top of the prey. As dictated by the 'Law of the tongue', the Orcas would take the prey away and then return with it to Eden, usually within 36 hours. This partnership of men and beast lasted for a long time, and the hunters treated the Orcas like their own families. The hunters would go out to the sea at the middle of the night to rescue the Orcas trapped in ropes when other members of the Orca party dropped by to inform George of the distress. There was immense trust between them, just like the trust between family members.

There was one incident in a particular hunting trip when one of the hunters, David, accidentally fell into the sea while trying to harpoon the prey. Despite the effort of the Orcas who dived deep down to look for him, they could not find him as it was pitch dark at night. The hunters returned to the same spot in the morning to look for David and discovered the Orcas were still there all the while. The hunters then dived to look for David's body but they could not find him after a week. They finally gave up and did not try again.... until Old Tom dropped by George's house and led him to the same spot again, but this time it kept circling round a particular area, and a final dive by the George revealed that David's body was trapped by some net. He cut it open and brought his body home. As it was with the whalers' traditions, David's body was brought out to the sea again to be buried in the open, escorted by Old Tom and several of its companions. This was unusual as the Orcas would not normally follow the boat out, but on that occasion it seemed to understand that they were forming the guard of honour for one of their deceased family members, who would never be back again..

A few years later, more European migrants came to settle in Australia and formed towns near Eden. One of the towns shared a beach with Eden, and killer whales were always spotted in the area hunting for preys. One fateful event occured when a killer whale was trying to corner a prey onto the beach, but instead it got stranded on the beach when the tide lowered. One ignorant migrant, seeing that there were two whales stranded on the beach (one of them the orca), decided to kill both of them for food. At the same time, the hunters from Eden saw the stranded orca on the beach and tried to get there to stop the man, but they were too late and the orca's blood was spilled onto the sea... The hunters then chased down the man and wanted to kill him to appease the killing of their family, but decided against it and instead drove him out of the town, never to let him return again....

Greatest sins of mankind (Part I)....

About 150 years ago, in a small coastal town called Eden at NSW, Australia, the first batch of European migrants came to settle down in that beautiful place. The Europeans at that time were well known whale hunters, and that was no exception to this small group of westerners in this foreign land. These migrants have a group of very skilled whale hunters, led by the master whaler George Davidson.

What is amazing about this group of hunters is not just their superior skills in whale hunting, but George's ability to communicate with the Orcas, otherwise known as the killer whales. Killer whales have been proven to be very smart animals who could communicate well with each other while also showing compassion to the human. There was documented record of Aborigines who would light two stick of fire on the beach when they saw killer whales hunting other larger whales that were herbivores (such as humpbacks) near the beach while holding a stick to indicate that they were sickly people, thus encouraging the killer whales, which have very sharp eyesights, to share their prey with the sickly men. True enough, those killer whales would leave some of the carcasses of the animals they have killed on the beach for the 'poor sickly' man, showing their generosity and compassion towards human.

George would be alerted to the availability of preys by a whale he called Old Tom, which would come by his house and make splashing sound right outside his doorstep. He would gather his team of hunters, even if it was during the middle of the night and they would set out to follow old Tom to meet with its other companions, with fogs and cold weather still enveloping the area. They would be led to the location of the prey, which some of Tom's companions were already starting to attack on, by following Tom on small boats (Sampan-like, if you know what that means), armed with harpoons. It has to be remembered that at that time there was no navigation equipments that could lead them back to the shore if they were lost, but they believed in Tom so much that they just followed it every single time without fail. For its part, Tom had never deserted the hunters and it always stayed by the side of the ship to fend off attacks from sharks or other whales if the hunters accidentally fell into the water. There were also reports that the killer whales would dive deep into the ocean floor if there were drowning hunters and pull them up to the surface.

Why has the killer whale done all this? for the start, it is a win-win partnership for the hunters and the killer whales when they enter into this informal agreement to hunt for larger whales. Humpback, which may be 10 times bigger than a killer whale, may not be a predator, but its sheer size would mean that it is going to take a long time for the killer whale to kill it. Likewise for the human hunters. It is estimated that to kill a humpback, the hunters would require around 7 boats full of people equipped with harpoons, while they could do it with just 1 boat with the help of the Orcas. The Aborigines were the first ones to start this partnership, according to documentations, and they noticed that the Orcas always took only a few bites of the carcass after the hunting and left the rest to them. However, there was always one missing part from the carcass: the tongue. Hence, they named it 'The law of the tongue', which simply means that the agreement was for the Orcas to take the carcass after hunting and they would take it back to them within 36 hours, minus the tongue..

Thursday, October 06, 2005

movie review: Cinderella man

Another movie, another inspiring performance from Russell Crowe. It seems like he's the most consistent actor out there in the hollywood, churning out one hit after another. If he's not an actor, he could probably be a Toyota production manager, making sure there are improvements on EVERY single product that comes out from the assembly line.

Just when you think he's delivered his best performance in a beautiful mind, he comes back with this masterpiece. It's a very touching story overall and his acting was superb throughout the movie. Didn't really like Renee's acting though... Truth is I've never actually liked any of her movies anyway..

Just a bit of spoiler on the story. Russell Crowe plays a up-&-coming boxer called James J. Broddick in the Depression era who encountered a lot of problems. However, through sheer determination and his commitment towards his family, he pulled it through the hard times. He also had a friend who trusted his ability a lot & even put himself on the line for his friend's career (wouldn't anyone love a friend like this??). Excellent storyline and superb acting skills makes this movie a must-watch of the year! I'm predicting another Oscar win for Russell Crowe based on this performance!

Now if only he could stay out of trouble in real life... Nothing to do with his performance, but it's a waste to see a great actor wasting away his time behind bars the next time he commits his next big stupid action.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Laughter, the best medicine!

Found a website which contains many funny/strange videos. Here's the link:
Click here

My personal favourites by classification(s):

Piano --> Click here
Ipod's 'latest' invention --> Click here

Scary...-->Click here
Police -->
Click here
headless girl --> click here

Olympics --> Click here

Car --> Click here
Ronaldo's quick feet -->
Click here
Pool expert --> Click here

2 comedians --> click here
Bud lite --> click here
The matrix --> Click here
Top Xbox ad --> click here

David Blaine --> Click here

Brothers --> Click here

break dancing --> click here

Enjoy & post up some videos you find in the comment! :)