Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

TCFS - Albert House 2002

Trinity Foundation - Albert House 2002

Feeling nostalgic.... Apart from Derrick, I have no idea where the rest of people in the picture are. Gone are the days when we would study together in the small coffee room on the 2nd floor, preparing frantically for the forthcoming maths exam, & then ended up chit-chatting non-stop instead of doing real work =)

Looking at the date in this picture, this must be taken after our final exam when we were having our almost-routine supper at Universal. Didn't expect that to be the last gathering we'd have, since we've practically never had another outing together since then.

Hope you guys are doing great! =) I really miss the great times we shared....

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Finally had 3-4 hour of good sleep last night, after 4 nights of rolling around on my bed without even getting a single minute of shutdown time!

Tried every trick I knew of that would work previously: alcohol, sleeping pill, reading before bedtime, etc. Amazingly none worked this time, & even the sleeping pill which was so ever reliable previously didn't too. I remember getting up at around 3 am & I was still feeling 100% alert mentally, although the rest of my body did become wobbly. I hope that's not an indication that I've built up resistance to the current medication and forces me to upgrade to a stronger dose!

Anws, after feeling so terrible for the past few days (and ironically too I had the most work to do in those few days during the last month!), today I'm finally feeling much better. It got so bad that even a 4-hr sleep became the ultimate tonic for me, even though it'd have done nothing for most other people.

Actually I remember getting forcibly awakened up this morning at 7 only because I had a bad dream: a few disgusting crawlies (which happens to be the insect I hate the most!) roaming around our house. Those cockroaches, I must get even with 'em next time for disturbing my precious sleep!

I realised I haven't been posting a lot, but there will be more coming up next month, coz I'm finally getting my first BB! Sometimes when I'm on the road & I have so much inspiration to write, I don't always have my laptop with me, & once I'm back at home, I can't recall much of the things I wanted to express. Since BB comes with data plan, I guess it'll be much easier for me to do it on the go!

Anws, to end this post, I'll leave you with the pics of my beloved niece =) she's 7 months old now, and has been the source of endless joy for all of us. Hope it does the same for you too! @Have a great weekend!