Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

3 level to working:

1) something you're passionate about
2) something you're good at
3) something that keeps you paid & alive

I think I'm at no.2&3 at the moment. Haven't found the cause to elevate me to No.1, and even if I do manage to find it, it's probably not gonna be covering no.3 for me...

Guess I'll be stuck in doing something I'm moderately good at, but at least it'll keep me alive for now..

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Sleepless nights...

Random bouts of insomnia is back. Last night I tossed around for 6 hours, and felt so lethargic this morning I felt like vomiting. Prob is, I've already promised my grandpa I'd accompany him to the bank early in the morning. Figured I wouldn't get to sleep anyway, so I woke up early and did some work.

Now, here I'm, tired, listless & practically zombie-like, trying futilely to keep myself awake for the next few hours coz I've to call my Europe customer in a few hours. Such a living torture =(

Anyway, found this really amusing:

Taken from