Inner Voice Of A Trapped sOuL

My 2c-worth of things happenin' ard the world and me...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The beautiful life

When the lights are off in my room, past memories always invaded my thoughts, and forced its way before my very eyes, beautifully displaying the best moments of my life in random order, & most of them are of my beloved melbourne. Usually I'd have just switched the light back on, but tonight I've decided to capture those moments in words, acceding to the request of my mind, which has really been waiting for a while for me to do it justice =)

every single frame seems to connect so seamlessly, & the first few took me through the enormous Queen's College compound on the perimeter of the Melb Uni's Parkville campus, & then moving on to the row of houses just opposite the street, before it is connected to the massive graveyard on Princes street, on which College Square lies as well on the other side of the road. Rows of victorian-style houses adorn the carlton village, of which I have had the privilege of staying in for 3 years, albeit at a rather messy state (which I'd prefer not to mention as it would spoil the image that I'm trying to conjure here =)

The next set of images takes me into the Albert House building, where I was inconveniently placed on the 3rd floor for a year. Nevertheless, it was one of the best years of my life, getting to know friends whom I'm still in regular contact with, through exchanges of life experiences during the dinner session, heart-to-heart chat in the rooms of a select few close friends, or the crazy cramming at the 2nd floor tea room during exam period. A pity some of us have chosen not to keep the friendship that I've always treasured so much because of the amazing moments, despite the short time that we shared together...

Images of Trinity came up next. I could see myself walking past the many intricately designed stone-based Italian restaurants, pacing through the many patrons that filled 'em up during lunch hours. Sometimes I would walk all the way up Lygon st for the most interesting ever Psych course (w/ Maureen), but usually I'd be going past Lincoln Square to reach the main Trinity campus for the many (admittedly) boring tutes and lectures there. & who can forget Danny's initially daunting yet fun drama lesson that brought so much fun to all the students involved?

Next came the pictures from the 2005 summer, although I should really say that the memorable events began around november, after I got to know more Flare's members through Kel & Derr. In the short period of time that I've spent together with them, I've learnt to let myself go, & be more vulnerable in front of them, just because no one is perfect. For once, I didn't have to pretend to be someone I was not, and just be comfortable with who I'm. Days spent playing poker & Risk, eating dee's home-cooked food & lazying around at Dee's leaking apartment were definitely one of the best days I've spent. Add Am & her Taboo game after she came back from her Brunei's hols, & they would rank as two of the most hospitable hostesses I've met! Seriously, I haven't 'slept' around at other people's places very often, let alone gals (Read:NIL), so the grand total of around 10-14 days during the summer would have been very impressive by my own standard =) There was just so much of the events that are still etched so clearly to my mind (CNY @ Springvale, fishing trip, GOR trip, Melb Open, Taboo, poker & Risk sessions, X'mas party, etc), & tears are just welling up in my eyes everytime I think of 'em...

.... & if I'm ever struck down by dementia (touch wood!), I will at least still have this page to remind me of the best parts in my life... I'm sure there will be more to come in the future though, & till that happens, these will still keep my eyes teary for a while yet, when I'm reminded of them again in the future...


  • At 10:45 AM, Blogger dee said…

    Dont forget the 2 beach outings when we played soccer.. it was TIRING!! Yeah i do miss those poker sessions/dai dee sessions when we had to do situps and one more great session!! Kareoke at your house with the boys.. i still have a short video clip of joon and derr singing on my phone!


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